100% for 100 days

Let's try to be 100% on our for 100 days in a row! We WILL end up making lots of progress if we just do this.

Let me know if you want to join and I'll add you to the group. I need to be strict like this or else extra nibbles somehow sneak in, or whole days when I eat anything I want!

When you post, put what day you're on. It's up to you what counts as being 100%, whether it's working out, meeting your specific calorie goal, or even just not pigging out.


  • For me, 100% means sticking within my calorie goal. Sometimes I don't do my planned workout because of scheduling or aches/pains, so I'll have to eat less at dinner if that is the case.

    I'm hoping 100 days in a row will set this habit in place for me! Hope you join too :-)
  • I'm in!
  • MissSarahAllison315
    MissSarahAllison315 Posts: 263 Member
    Sign me up!!! My boyfriend comes home in 80 days from school and I NEED some good accountability partners!!
  • It's easier with people to go through it with. I'd like to give this a shot, too. Exercise everyday!
  • Great! Dimpledmorena, MissSarahAlli, and NaturalAlyse, you should be added to the group, let me know if that didn't work (my first time moderating a group)
  • FitWifey79
    FitWifey79 Posts: 17 Member
    Count me in!! Sound like just what I need :)
  • brittdani5
    brittdani5 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm definitely in!!! I've been needing a motivational shove :)
    My 100% will be NOT overeating
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Okay for me 100% will be staying within my calorie goals by 100 cals over or under. I've been slacking lately so this is the perfect time for such a challenge for me. It also allows me to work around my pain for workouts so,, yeah count me in. All the 1oo's make it easy.

    Within my calorie goal by 100 for 100 days 100% of the time. Perfection.

    As a seeker and lover of perfection this lets me for a short time with an end date indulge that part of me in a controlled way, not all type A crazy like. Thanks for this thread. Thanks for this idea.

  • clutterqueen
    clutterqueen Posts: 1,652 Member
    Count me in! For me, it means logging every bite even if I eat something after I've " completed" my daily log! I'm fine with exercising because I get cranky if I don't!
  • Nice goals everyone! I think we can do it - once we get a streak going, it will be harder to stop :-)

    Exercise pain is a bummer, I have that too sometimes (bum ankle). So sometimes I really can't exercise, but I can always put the food down.
  • FitWifey79

    You should all be invited to the group now. My Day 1 in a Row was good - stayed under even though I didn't work out so didn't have a lot of calories to work with :-)
  • mearsy88
    mearsy88 Posts: 87 Member
    Count me in. 100 days can't be that long :-P the difference I could make by sticking to MFP in 100 days :-) just starting out again this week will also help.
  • Queen2852
    Queen2852 Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds good!! Add me too please.
  • scarlet717
    scarlet717 Posts: 14
    i do need this motivation.. im in .. and for me is staying in my calorie goal and tracking everythin..
  • Shockakahn
    Shockakahn Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in and looking for new fitness pal friends that are dedicated. if you are and looking for new fitness pal friends please add me, I need all the motivation I can get
  • avril2626
    avril2626 Posts: 699 Member
    Love 2 join you! 100 days is great for making some progress! I want to average within my calorie goal. I can vary to make work 4 me, but need to avg under! I wanna also also do at least 3 hours of cardio/wk, as i am starting on that.
  • Aradia_Silvermoon
    Aradia_Silvermoon Posts: 375 Member
    I would like to join but I will say I am having medical issues right now so if you look at my food log it won't look to healthy due to lack of intake!
  • Act2130
    Act2130 Posts: 18 Member
    I would love to join! Is it too late?? My 100 percent is staying under my calories and working out a min of an hour a day.
    * are you supposed to eat back exercise calories??
  • jackjb2
    jackjb2 Posts: 83 Member
    I would like to join in on the 100 days of fun
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    Hi hi - I'd love to join in. My 100% is to log EVERYTHING and to eat a defecit - ie, below my BMR of 1676 calories.
