Fitness trackers/wrist bands

I'm looking into getting a fitness tracker sometime soon... The wristband/watch type that I can wear daily to keep track of things.
I'm most curious about the Fitbit Flex but some of the online reviews are making me have second thoughts.
Does anyone have any recommendations based on personal experience that they'd like to share? :)


  • motivatenikki
    motivatenikki Posts: 19 Member
    I have the fitbit zip that clips to your waistband, pocket, or bra. it's fairly accurate, and I like it because it rotates the display to show the number of steps, time of day, miles, etc., with each finger tap (or thump) to the display. the flex just shows a row of four or five round lights. your goal is to make all of them light up all the way across to reach 10k steps.

    I bought the zip because 1) it's cheaper than the flex and I didn't know if I would really commit to using it daily (but I have!), and 2) I have a few friends who have the flex and they say it isn't that accurate - especially when pushing a shopping cart or baby stroller. guessing it has to do with your arms not pumping in a walking motion? this is just their opinion, of course.

    good luck!

    also - the flex monitors sleep and stairs, but the zip does not. depends on if those are important to you.