I need some serious motivation!

I need some serious motivation. I feel like I will never be fit & Healthy :(

So for the gazillionth time I started, feeling good, motivated & focused. Then that "1" out to dinner meal turned into a weekend long eating out, ontop of getting junk food at the movies and so on.

AND now, here I am 2 weeks later still eating bad and most likely gained another 5-9 lbs. Its just getting so out of control bc I have never EVER been this big and I feel like if i seriously do not make a change, I am doomed to be this way forever. I feel constantly achy,bloated and unhealthy. If I walk from my car to my door it feels like a task. I tear up when I think of my slimmer days when I was under 190lbs,playing sports without breaking a sweat.

Im also very depressed bc of my weight. my weekends consist of staying in, watching tv and sleeping. I don't go out with friends bc I dont want to drink bc of my weight, alcohols the worst, and the most apparent reason is someone 300+ lbs cant stand for long periods of time without feeling like their backs gonna break, and all my friends are always doing stuff where you're either dancing all night, consists of walking alot, etc..

Its depressing and I'm only in my 20s. I feel like I'm missing out on so much life to live bc I am handicapped to constantly feeling tired, in pain.etc.

I have a plan where Im going tomorow early, food shopping for super heatthy foods to once again, restart my healthy lifestyle. BUt Im worried that I'll just fail again.

I also really want to join a gym and been looking for the perfect one. I found one right next to my job that offer spin and aerobics class (i really love the group classes) and unlike alot of other obese people, I get motivated by a gym, not intimidated. The last time I was really successful with my weight loss ( it was 2011 I went from 295 - 229 in bout 3 1/2 months and I was at the gym everyday)

But Im bigger then ever now and I get worried that I just cant/wont do it. I feel like its life or death. If I dont lose this weight I'll be digging an early grave.


  • love2b3fit
    love2b3fit Posts: 31
    Listen, TODAY is your tomorrow. Its up to YOU to shape it, to TAKE control and SEIZE every OPPORTUNITY. The power is in the choices YOU make each day. Eat well, live well. YOU shape YOU!

    Now, repeat after me:
    "I can do this"

    Now repeat that everyday to yourself!\

    "Let every single DROP SWEAT remind you of every CALORIE BURNED-and how much HARDER it was to BURN than it was TO EAT." ~Bonnie Pfiester

    Remember, a year from now you'll wish you had started today!
  • Jimsmith109
    Jimsmith109 Posts: 38 Member
    Everyone here has been in your shoes, Loosing weight is hard work we have to exercise, eat good foods that may not taste good therefor they leave you unsatisfied which will lead to snacking and so on then failure.
    You need to acquire some MFP friends who are on the right path so you can look at there diaries see what they are doing what they are eating find foods that are healthy and that you like meals will be more satisfying and you will find it easier to stick to a (Change of life by changing your eating habits) when you find the right balance of food you won't be bloated after meals or worse unsatisfied which will lead to (false hunger) trying to get satisfied.
    If you would like to send me a friend request and I will help you the best that I can.

  • jimhollisga
    jimhollisga Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for your post and sharing your struggle. Many of us are too familiar with the battle you describe. The one great thing about this community is that you can get some real support and encouragement. It matters to me and helps me think about what I am going TO DO before I actually do it. That's a mile marker for me going from just letting myself go for a two to three day period - there are always great excuses: I travel all over the USA with work; people I have as clients are always wanting to take me out to great places and socialize so I should be polite and eat Italian or Mexican - my two top enemy locations!!!! It's the bread for Italian and the chips for Mexican - eat one piece or one chip and an avalanche of calories follows!

    One thing that always helps me is to write out my PLAN of what I am going to eat for the coming day and see how close I'm getting to it. And if I find myself in a really ridiculous place with food - sometimes I just say I'm not feeling real well and want to keep the food choices really simple for this meal. Most people accept that and it can allow ME to make a declaration which I will follow because the friends I say that to will expect it and be encouraging.

    OK - I'd love to be part of your support network here. Blessings.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Other people can't motivate you; it has to come from within. What we can do is offer advice once you find your motivation. The most important advice is probably to think about food as fuel, not a reward or compensation; the second most important is probably to eat only at mealtimes, to take a moderate amount of food at each, and to have seconds only if you are truly hungry. The third is that the occasional treat isn't a problem, but "occasional" means "once a week," not "every day."

    I gained about 50 lb. over a decade because I ate, on average, about 60 extra calories a day. That's one small chocolate chip cookie per day, but it was just too much for me to maintain my weight. Taking off those 50+ lb. in 15 months wasn't easy, but it did teach me what I could eat that would satisfy me (vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats), and what would leave me hungry again soon (mostly refiined carbohydrates).

    A final bit of advice: if you have a bad day, don't let it become a bad weekend or a bad week. Think of how you'll feel a year from now: will you feel better if you had 1 bad day, 3 bad days, or 7 bad days in June 2014? As the song says, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.