Is anyone interested in being my 30 day juice fasting buddy?



  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Only if I can use them to wash down steaks, chicken, and burgers.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle Posts: 1,349 Member
    No thank you. But if you find a really tasty recipe feel free to share:)
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
  • chachachingona
    chachachingona Posts: 11 Member
    Fasting has been around for centuries-it's not a fad. It is used in Native ceremonies and it is believed to be cleansing. Most of the medicines we use today have come from Native people and every year there are more scientific 'discoveries' that Native people have known about for ages. Don't let judgmental trolls influence your decision. Marketing is everywhere-on documentaries, at your doctor's office, in scientific journals, *and* on MFP. Do what feels right for you. Try it. If you don't like it at least you can say you tried.
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    Well they say juice made her look like this soooo.... You first op, let me know how it go

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Fasting has been around for centuries-it's not a fad. It is used in Native ceremonies and it is believed to be cleansing. Most of the medicines we use today have come from Native people and every year there are more scientific 'discoveries' that Native people have known about for ages. Don't let judgmental trolls influence your decision. Marketing is everywhere-on documentaries, at your doctor's office, in scientific journals, *and* on MFP. Do what feels right for you. Try it. If you don't like it at least you can say you tried.

    Drinking juice is NOT fasting, it is a liquid diet. Fasting is taking in no nourishment (only water) for whatever period of time. You are right though, fasting has a long history and is usually done for spiritual reasons: deny the body so you can concentrate on the spirit.
  • chachachingona
    chachachingona Posts: 11 Member
    @earlnabby There are native ceremonies where you fast, but you only ingest specific food or drink. One person or culture's definition of a word is not necessarily universal. In the same way, one culture may fast to "deny the body so you can concentrate on the spirit", but it doesn't mean that that statement is universal or the totality of the significance of every fasting ritual.
  • chachachingona
    chachachingona Posts: 11 Member
    @PinkCupcakes8 :wink: I'm with you;)
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I think I will just stick to eating 1500-1800 calories (cuz food tastes yummy), exercising 30-40 minutes most days (cuz it makes me feel awesome) and drinking a good amount of water ( cuz peeing is super fun) all while losing the weight I need to. Thanks buh bye now!!! This is why mfp people are mean! ! Cuz......we are smart!!!!
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    why do some people have to be so rude about it
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member