Nutrition and Calorie goals priority

I was just wondering what do you guys prioritise? Nutrition goals or Calorie goals
As ive been struggling all week to hit my nutrition goals, ive been focusing on sugars, carbs and saturated fat and every day i seem to go over my sugar and my carbs, ive already hit my weekly goal for both of those and still have todays dinner left before the new week tomorrow!
Take into the fact that the 274g of sugar ive gone over by this week half of that is fruit, it doesnt make sense ive been eating insanely healthy all week!, the healthiest ive ever done, I do have a pretty active job, so i wonder if maybe the excess sugar i've burnt off anyway.
I've not gone majorly over those goals, my saturated fats is very low, but its frustrating! as i worry it could affect my weight loss
Do you think its more important to stay under your calorie goal for losing weight? and is it okay to go over your nutrition goals? not by a huge amount ofc, wondering what your opinions are?


  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    I prioritize protein and fat. I aim for a 3-way split between my major macros and don't eat anything processed or out of a box. That basically makes eating fewer carbs and sugar automatic.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    I think it depends on what your end game is. Say you are trying to lose weight... so you focus on calorie goals. At least until you reach your goal and then you switch to nutrition goals.

    When you are down in a healthy range then you mainly target nutrition goals (or when trying to specifically build muscle)

    Currently i'm working on the weightloss aspect of my journey so i prioritize calorie goals over nutrition goals. Although that doesn't mean i don't try to keep my nutrition in mind. I'd rather hit close to my nutrition goals then be completely under or over them.
  • karsa624
    karsa624 Posts: 4 Member
    Yeah im trying to lose round 40lbs, chose the 1.5lbs a week for a nice rate of weight loss and have 1560 calories a day, im 206lbs at 5ft3,
    I've hit my calorie goals every day or been just under, im finding it incredibly easy to stay under the saturated fats, but so difficult with the sugars and carbs, ive been so used to eating pasta and potatos! been doing alternatives instead, i think alot of the sugar that ive gone over is just excess sugar they always put in foods as ive no idea wheres its come from!
    that and i find yoghurts as a good snack and find that no matter if its fat free its always full of sugar!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I don't really separate nutrition and calorie goals in that I prioritize both. However, my nutrition goals are ones I set and aren't determined by MFP's numbers. For example, important nutrition goals of mine include getting lots of varied vegetables and a decent amount of fruit and keeping my protein numbers to a particular level, and the first two are never in conflict with my calorie goal and the latter is more of a overall goal than a particular day goal, so it really isn't either.

    To demonstrate how this works in practice, I set my own macros because I think having enough protein helps me not lose lean muscle mass and also helps me make sure my diet as a whole is one that's sustainable and doesn't tend to make me feel hungry on the calories I'm eating. But I see nothing particularly problematic from a nutritional POV if I happen to be higher on carbs or lower on protein on a particular day, so unless I think I need more food for some other reason, I wouldn't go over my calories just to eat more protein on one day. Instead, if I see that I'm not doing a good job of hitting my macros on multiple days, I'll look at my typical day and figure out why that is and adjust.

    Similarly, when I exercise more I tend to want more carbs and the percentage breakdown of how I use exercise calories is not identical to how I use my initial goal calories. Since my reason for setting my macros as I did was to make sure I got a certain amount of protein and fat, it is not inconsistent with my nutrition goals to eat over my 30% carbs when I have lots of extra calories, and I don't fret about it.

    Similar things with sugar and fiber. My nutrition goal isn't to hit a particular number or less of sugar grams, it is to make sure I'm not eating a disproportionate amount of non-nutrient dense foods. Looking at sugar and where it's coming from can be one way of monitoring this (although I don't find it particularly difficult to spot anyway), but the specific number is less of a concern to me (I never seem to go over, though). I just started monitoring fiber, and will play with it some, but so long as I'm eating lots of fruits and vegetables I'm not yet convinced that the specific fiber number is such a concern. It will depend on how I feel at different levels. I personally ignore saturated fat and usually don't log added salt (which I use in cooking), although it's worth seeing if you are eating lots of sodium from other sources IMO.

    I also have my own little things, which probably everyone develops. I like to get meat from a local farm and as a result I often get fattier cuts than I might buy from the store with unlimited choice. For me this does create a little bit of a conflict with calorie goals, but it's workable for me and so a tradeoff I'll make. I think yolks are healthy so don't cut calories by tossing them (although sometimes I'll add egg whites for more protein/bulk), stuff like that.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    If by nutrition goals you are referring to "macronutrients"; fat, protein and carbohydrate, then I aim to concentrate on meeting those goals. If you meet your macros and the foods you are logging have been entered into the system correctly, then you will also meet your calorie goal. I have been AWFUL at sticking to my macros lately. I've been stressed, overworked, exhausted and other excuses. . . . :embarassed: BUT, I do aim to meet my macros typically. Your body need enough fat for proper organ and hormone function, it needs protein for the repair of all body cell and the maintenance of muscle, and it needs carbs for some chemicals releases in the brain and for immediate energy. I think that focusing more on meeting your macros is better than just focusing on the calories by themselves. You will lose the same amount of weight no matter where those calories are coming from, but for optimal health, it is best to pay attention to your macros.
  • karsa624
    karsa624 Posts: 4 Member
    Definitely weight loss and in the end some toning, i really do want to put some exercise into it all as it makes me feel better, honestly im quite a lazy person!
    Last year i started the couch to 5k programme on my phone and got to week 3 and did really well (running for a 1min30 was a HUGE achievement for me) really struggled with shin splints once i started trying to do 3 mins, i really want to go give it another go but maybe not run so fast! but its getting the confidence to do it again.
    Definitely need to give the walking a go, i have two dogs (even though they have bad legs themselves!)
    I have huge difficulty with starting a routine and sticking with it, why im so awful at diets! ha
    I do have a yogalates DVD which i really enjoyed but found it quite hard on my wrist joints, but again its forcing myself to do it regularly, and not overpush myself which i have a habit of doing.
    After going over my food for this week my cereal is a bad one for carbs and sugar, and so was the dried fruit i was eating (which i discovered is full of added sugar *sigh*) suppose it doesnt help that certain fruits also have quite alot of carbs, i love bananas...
    I think i just really want to hit those limits, because after eating junk food, chocolate, ice cream pizzas ive realised what they are high in and want to stop adding those to my already stuffed body.
    But i will do the first weigh in tomorrow morning, then i can see if i've lost, if i haven't then i need to evaluate my foods again