Kayla Itsines Workouts

Smccabe8 Posts: 129 Member
Has anyone tried Kayla Itsines workouts? She has a program called "Bikini Body Guide" and a nutrition book also. They're only available on e-book for $65 each, so I was a little hesitant to purchase them. But if they're awesome, I'll try it.

She's got some CRAZY before and after pictures on her website and Instagram. http://www.kaylaitsines.com.au

So love it? Hate it? Never heard of it?


  • lollypoppet
    lollypoppet Posts: 103 Member
    Hello! :)

    I've seen loads of her posts on Instagram, and thought I would give it a go as well. I'm doing Jillian Michaels body revolution atm, and was planning on doing Kayla's after.

    I can't make too much comment on her workouts, although, looking at the book they're similar or the same to what Jillian Michaels does in her workouts.

    Kayla's workout regime works like this...
    Its made up of Resistance, HIIT and LISS

    -Week 1-4 : Monday Wednesday and Friday you do workouts that are in the book, each day has two circuits and each exercise round last a bout 7 minutes, and then you repeat, so it lasts about 28 minutes. Tuesday and Wednesay and Saturday. Saturday you go easy and just do some gentle stretches. You also do LISS, Low intensity exercise,( I cant remember what it entirely stands for) so that's like going for a 30-40 min run or so.

    I just wanted to say though, Kayla's book only pretty much shows the workouts for the Resistance circuits, so you would have to get creative with the LISS part if you are able to.

    So per week, you do 2–3 sessions of resistance training 2–3 sessions of LISS cardio training.

    - Week-5-8 : You increase the LISS session so you do maybe...4 or 5, and continue to do 2-3 sessions of Resistance training as is in her book.

    In her book though, she says she gets a bit more crazy and intense, and the workout prertty much builds up to more intensity for the best results by this point.

    -Week 9-12 : You basically do everything, and might have to add in double sessions, so one day you might do some resistance and some LISS as well, and here you also do HIIT training, which she recommends as doing as a fast burst for 30 seconds of running on a treadmill, or maybe a bike.

    You will need dumbells deffinitely, and she says for some exercises...an exercise ball thing, skipping rope, and a kettle bell, but she says if you dont have those, then you can just compromise, but you will DEFFO need dumbells about 3-5kg.

    The rest of the book just exeplains in detail the form about each exercise, so she'll do a step by step how to do a squat correctly to get the results.

    I only bought the "Bikini Body Guide" and to be honest I was quite disappointed with it, and unfortunately they dont do refunds, especially how it only showed resistance training but nothing for LISS or HIIT. Just because sometimes I dont have the time to go the gym, which is why I prefer DVD's because I can get the same benefits at home, with the same demonstrated exercises she has given also.

    I guess I can say I am indifferent about it...because I will have to use something else for the HIIT and LISS workouts, but she has a tonne of results, and that's what you want is results.

    I hope this helps :) x
  • N1Duarte
    N1Duarte Posts: 1
    hey so i bought this same program from a reseller.. It was pretty hard but it does give you results. I did it and i stopped but i started again lol and i do some cardio in the gym 2 times a week because my nutrition is horrible ..i bought it with paypal and it was 25$
  • MzDianeH
    MzDianeH Posts: 1
    I do think the program is very over priced. You could get it off of eBay for under 7 dollars tho.
  • aylalala76
    I plan on starting it. I did the free trials she has though. It is pretty tough. They are circuit courses that you do for 7 min at a time. You do 4 of those to equal a 28 min workout. I am going to buy the books off ebay and just print them off. I am excited about it!
  • unekwuojo_1
    unekwuojo_1 Posts: 1 Member
    If your looking to lose weight, put on weight(muscle) or tone up Check out my page I'm selling kayla itsines' bikini body guide and HELP eating book for only £7.50(RRP£70), it really works I've used it for 2 weeks and already lost 4lbs and feel stronger and fitter x it's great for losing weight,putting it on or just getting healthy x
  • fitness_faeiry
    fitness_faeiry Posts: 354 Member
    I'm on week 10 and have had great results! It is tough though, but each workout only lasts half an hour, which I really love.
    Personally I don't think you need the nutrition plan as well as its VERY basic and most of is just common sense, just eating non processed foods and getting a good healthy balance of quality macros - carbs, fats and proteins. Message me if you want to know anything else.

    There's a great seller on ebay who sells the Bikini Body Guide pdf (and additional guides) here:

  • dcberlin10
    dcberlin10 Posts: 54 Member
    LOVE the workout guide! I'm on week 2 and the workouts are pretty difficult but that's probably why girls see such great results after the 12 weeks. I have the nutrition guide too, and as mentioned above it's pretty basic commen sense stuff. If you have a good knowledge of what you "should' be eating already and what some healthy foods are then don't invest in it. Just know she doesn't cut out any food groupd :) If you lack that sort of knowledge then I would say buy it because it has a lot of good information.
  • cento17
    cento17 Posts: 2 Member
    I've completed the guide, and unfortunately I ended up looking/feeling the same as I started, which was really disappointing. I'm not sure if this was because I had already been exercising regularly for a couple of years, or because I didn't follow the diet plan very closely. I'm planning on starting it again, using heavier weights, doing more HIIT cardio than LISS, and following the diet plan exactly. Hopefully I'll see some results this time :/
  • mayleenbrianne
    Hey! I've started doing the BBG, and I was wondering how I should log these in fitness pal. Should I just use circuit training, general?
  • cento17
    cento17 Posts: 2 Member
    the calorie burn for circuit training, general is quite high so if you're reaaally pushing yourself for those 40 mins then it should be appropriate :P
  • SM810x
    I'm finishing up Week 4 and i've seen great results. not so much on the scale as i still weigh the same but physically have noticeable change. Its pretty intense but once you get used to it its totally worth it. I did not in fact purchase the ebooks though, they are quite expensive and i really just don't have the money to spare, i ended up getting them from a friend, i have both guides 1 and 2.0 and the nutrition guide.
  • Msadams224
    Msadams224 Posts: 5 Member
    I absolutely love Kayla's plans. I am on week 10 and have seen amazing results! Truth be told I don't even follow the cardio plan she includes; I just really push myself hard during the circuits and go for occasional runs as I can. I have lost weight, but the plan really shapes your body. My clothes fit better and I can actually see results in the mirror. Additionally, it builds muscle which makes deviations from the plan let detrimental to your weight loss. I went on vacation halfway through, didn't count calories, drank lots of beer and still only gained 2 pounds from the week off.

    You will like the program if you like a tabata style workout, and will push yourself past your limits. You won't get great results if you take excessively long breaks. I just throw myself down for more burpees and trust the setup of the plan and my body magically gets it done. It's mind over matter sometimes, and when you push yourself past that mental block, real change occurs.

    I have tracked my calorie burn with my Polar HRM and the legs and cardio workouts have registered 500+ calories (for a 5'6 165 pound female). However, I think the Polar drastically over reports burn so I usually go with the Circuit Training, general option for 28 minutes for tracking. On ab days I track 20 minutes worth as these days are much less cardio intensive.

    I know we all want to save money, but I purchased my plans from Kayla. She is an independent business owner and I refuse to gyp her out of money that I can afford to spend. I find it has been worth every penny and I would willingly pay double the price for what I've gotten! Hope this helps!
  • charlottekz
    charlottekz Posts: 1 Member

    I have just got the BBG and am having real difficulty understanding the workouts.... (think I am being slightly dim here) but anyway, could somebody whose doing this please tell me what workout I am supposed to be doing for Day 1 and Day 2 and then I will be able to work out what I am supposed to be doing

    Thank you

    Desperate to get doing but my stupidity holding me back arrrghhhh
  • peerielou
    Hi, I just started this today too - did the first work out this morning! I didn't find it too tough - I was sweating like a pig and definitely working, but because it was just the 4 sets of 4 I found I got through them fine. Compared to a Jillian Michaels workout, for example. I like that they ease you in, and I recognise that in a few weeks with all the added LISS and HIIT the combination will be a really good workout.

    However... did anyone else get through the set really quickly? Maybe I'm doing each exercise too quickly? I found that I had finished the set and there was still around 3 mins to go - should I just carry on and do it again?

    Charlottekz - start at the beginning and just do the first routine for day one. Day 2, you should do some LISS. There's an example week in the guide :)
  • nic_why
    nic_why Posts: 2 Member
    Peerielou - you're supposed to keep pushing through the set until the time runs out, I believe...so if you're already quite fit you should be able to do more reps. That really appeals to me since no matter your fitness level you should be able to push. I just got the program and I'm very excited about trying it. I love the structure of the workouts - very similar to Jillian Michaels (whose workouts I adore, but I just wanted a change).
  • VeroM1234
    VeroM1234 Posts: 84 Member
    Peerilou : Yep, nic_why is write... You have to do the exercise, over and over till the 7 minute is done. ( In my case, I do then twice and a half per set of 7 mins).

    I really like it because if you're advanced or a beginner, you push for 7 minutes on whatever pace you feel comfortable. :)
  • Taulbs
    I just did my first workout from it!

    I am fairly fit, and have done p90x several times, and this was a wonderful change of pace! I feel like it would never stop working, too, since you go as fast as you can - always room for improvement!

    That said, I wouldn't classify it as easy. Not if you're doing it right. In spite of being fit, I was pretty out of breath at the end of each circuit! I'm sure that'll improve tho. And it may not be good for you if you have knee problems. It's got quite a bit of plyo, and I had to tone it down several times cuz of my bum knee. :)
  • peerielou
    Thank you nic_why and VeroM1234! I didn't notice these 'til now. I started doing it the way you describe from week 3 and enjoy them so much more - feels like a proper work out. The structure is great.

    What is everyone doing for LISS? I've been doing light running instead of walking as I run anyway, and find I can fit in a half hour run more easily than walking for 45 minutes.