Has anyone used a Fitbit Flex?

Hey Everyone :)

I have recently been looking into buying a FitBit Flex fitness tracker and was wanting to hear people's thoughts on it first. Has anyone previously used one and/or currently using one? Did you feel it was worth the investment? How did you find the accuracy of it?

Any comments/input would be incredibly helpful!



  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    I'm looking to get one ASAP but first I have to get a new iPhone and that's not happening until September probably. I have an iPhone 3GS and the Fitbit Flex is only compatible with iPhone 4 and above. If I really need a tracker before then, I might buy myself the Jawbone UP. I think that's compatible with iPhone 3GS.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I tried it, and was disappointed that it didn't count steps while pushing a shopping cart. I tried quite a few, and most missed a lot. The Bodymedia Fit band was the most accurate I tried, but I've heard that the Fitbits that you clip on are also really accurate, as they measure movement closer to your core and not on your wrist. Just something to consider before you buy.

    ETA: ^My Bodymedia uses oldschool Bluetooth so it works on my old Android phone. Its only drawback is a $7 monthly subscription, but you get the first few months free and I figure my health is worth that. I uses more sensors than just a pedometer so it's much more accurate than the others.
  • imophlebam
    imophlebam Posts: 10
    I use a Fitbit Flex. I love it. I don't mind that it doesn't pick up accurately when pushing a shopping cart because I would rather it under count than over count (like the Jawbone UP). It is a nice bit of extra motivation to take an walk or something if i haven't been as active. I thought I walked a lot more at work than I do, turns out I stand a lot, but don't walk as much. I like that its compatable with MFP. I have an android phone that it doesn't sync with, but it syncs with my computer when I get home, and I can still enter stuff like activities through the mobile app. I am getting an iPhone soon, so that will sync with it. Also, the battery lasts longer than it says it will :).
  • rorae
    rorae Posts: 34 Member
    I have one and love it. It reminds me to move more thru out my office-desk sitting day. My food links over from this site. I especially like the sleep tracking function. There are some nights it appears I go walk about ....:)
    It will also email you when it is time to charge ...
  • roxxie03
    roxxie03 Posts: 29 Member
    I got a fitbit flex this past April and I really like it. It's true what SnuggleSmacks says above - if you are pushing a shopping cart or stroller it will not be as accurate as you must swing your arms as you would when you are walking in order for it to track.
    It's easy to use, holds a charge for about a week, is water proof and the website is free.
    It also has a silent alarm feature that I use quite a bit to remind myself to get up from my desk and walk around. I basically set a goal for myself and then make sure I reach the goal before going to bed that night. Between the fitbit and counting my calories I have lost 8 pounds in the last 28 days.
  • HealthyisMindful
    HealthyisMindful Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for the comments :)

    I had heard that it might not be that accurate so it's really nice to hear from people that actually use it!
  • Kel1677
    Kel1677 Posts: 76 Member
    I got one last month and I love it! I am a cook so my hands are always in water and moving so I thought it would not be really accurate for me. I emailed Fitbit and asked for a extra large wristband. They sent it to me for free :) my idea was to wear it on my ankle which works perfectly. I have tested it with a pedometer that I use to carry in my pocket and they were dead on :). I do wear it on my wrist at night while I sleep