Recent increased hunger - any ideas?

I haven't been doing this terribly long, but I have fallen into what feels to me is a pretty decent routine. My weight has been coming off at approximately 1.5-2 lbs a week, and I was feeling great. The thing is, over the last week, hunger has suddenly become an issue for me. I feel like I am hungry so much more, and not just a "hey, I should eat" hunger, but an empty hollow stomach gurgling hunger. I haven't' really changed anything I am eating, and while MFP did decrease my caloric goal this week, I still am eating about the same as I was before that. Any ideas on why I am feeling this increased hunger?


  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    Have you increased your exercise? When I started biking more, I suddenly got REALLY hungry the day after. I ended up increasing my calorie allowance, and am still losing steadily.
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    Have you increased your exercise? When I started biking more, I suddenly got REALLY hungry the day after. I ended up increasing my calorie allowance, and am still losing steadily.

    For the last two weeks, I have gone once a week to an aqua fitness class. It is a change, but I don't think that one 60 minute class a week would make that much of a difference? If I had been exercising more, then yes, I could chalk it up to that! LOL
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,272 Member
    Well... eating closer to your full calories could help a bit. Why are you leaving calories? That is your goal. You are supposed to hit that.
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    Have you been eating back your exercise calories? If you're doing even just a bit more exercise, you'll have a slightly higher calorie limit on those days (mfp will increase your calories for you each day that you log exercise.) You're eating close to your calorie goal each day, which is good, but if you're finding yourself so hungry you should maybe think about eating those extra 200 calories or so that you've been leaving each day, to see if it helps.
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    Well... eating closer to your full calories could help a bit. Why are you leaving calories? That is your goal. You are supposed to hit that.

    I am leaving calories for a few reasons. One, I like to leave around 100 to cover the times when I can't weigh my food accurately, like if there is a function at work. Two, I feel it covers any "extras" that I may incur during the day - like tasting any meals I am making for my family as they are cooking, etc. Three, I wasn't feeling hungry. I guess I figured if I wasn't feeling as if I needed to eat, I shouldn't be filling my face just because. Four, my weight was coming off at a really good rate, why should I mess with it? Sometimes I feel I maybe only am losing because I am eating at the deficit, and If I eat to my goal, I won't lose steadily any more.

    I also know though, that I do have a problem eating if I don't have any foods that I deem acceptable in the house. I will stay away from foods that I feel are too high in calories if they aren't something I love - simply for the fact that they are higher in calories. I often feel, especially early in the day, that I don't want to eat many higher calorie foods - in case I need the calories later.
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    Have you been eating back your exercise calories? If you're doing even just a bit more exercise, you'll have a slightly higher calorie limit on those days (mfp will increase your calories for you each day that you log exercise.) You're eating close to your calorie goal each day, which is good, but if you're finding yourself so hungry you should maybe think about eating those extra 200 calories or so that you've been leaving each day, to see if it helps.

    I try to eat back half of my exercise calories. My log is an accurate reflection of my exercise, lol, I don't do it very often.

    The thing is, I was eating at a deficit before, and I felt satisfied. It is just this past week or so that I can't seem to quench the hunger.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    Well done for getting yourself in to a nice routine and well done for the weight u have lost. I can recommend googling foods that are filling. For example porridge is pretty filling for breakfast and I understand that protein rich foods such as fish etc is very filling. Also well worth piling ur salads and veggies high on ur plate as they are low cal and healthy. Alternatively this may just be ur body adjusting to ur new cals, might be an idea to have a few small walks etc to allow a few extra cals at the end if the day. Best of luck to ya!
  • Markicksbutt
    As you are beginning to work out more, you are adding more muscle which keeps your metabolism throughout the day. Awesome for losing weight BUT it means you have to keep the little engine fed now throughout the day: difficult when all you want to do is cut calories. Make protein your friend! And I don't mean slurp down a 400 cal protein shake. Eat small amounts of protein every 2-3 hrs. Protein is good for keeping your sugar levels steady for a longer period of time, and thus should keep those stomach rumbles at bay. My go to snacks are: 5-10 Almonds (make sure they are raw, unsalted), Spinach, Cheese (look for cheeses with a good protein:fat ratio. Cottage cheese is awesome!), Turkey anything! 1 Turkey pepperoni, a few bites of Turkey Jerky, even small bits of cooked up just plain turkey :) (careful with the sodium contents), 1/2 an Avocado. Anyway, grab what ever you like as long as it's high and protein and relatively low on everything else. If it's a little high in fats it's ok as long as its the good fats like in the almonds and avocados.
    Try it for a couple of days: protein every 2/3 hrs, see how it works for you.
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    Well end of the day, I've eaten all but 70 of my calories and I think this is my worst day yet for hunger. My stomach is growling so loudly I think my neighbours can hear! Lol! In my pre-diet life I would have made a sandwich or something, I wouldn't be able to sleep like this. Just going to suck it up and hope for better tomorrow!
  • Arleigh7
    Arleigh7 Posts: 150 Member
    Well I took a quick look at your diary and would say your eating too much pre processed high carbs foods (banana Muffins) which for me anyways really stimulate my appetite. When I cut out ALL the pre processed foods and go only for high fiber carbs such as Vegetables and load up on chicken, beef, eggs, and other high protein foods it really goes a long way to suppressing my cravings and keeping my appetite in line.

    Don't know if this will work for you but going low carb and high protein definitely help me stay on my proper eating path with allot less stress.

    Good Luck!
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    Eating more fats and proteins and fewer carbs will be more satiating. I find eating things like muffins doesn't sate my hunger at all. Or at least go for breads and things that are high in fiber, since that also helps keep you full.
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    Well I took a quick look at your diary and would say your eating too much pre processed high carbs foods (banana Muffins) which for me anyways really stimulate my appetite. When I cut out ALL the pre processed foods and go only for high fiber carbs such as Vegetables and load up on chicken, beef, eggs, and other high protein foods it really goes a long way to suppressing my cravings and keeping my appetite in line.

    Don't know if this will work for you but going low carb and high protein definitely help me stay on my proper eating path with allot less stress.

    Good Luck!

    The banana muffins were my treat for the day. (And today only, I've successfully ignored them in the house for 3 days now lol) I should have only had one, but I was still hungry at supper and it was a quick thing to grab. They are not the worst they could be - they are at least homemade.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Well... eating closer to your full calories could help a bit. Why are you leaving calories? That is your goal. You are supposed to hit that.

    I am leaving calories for a few reasons. One, I like to leave around 100 to cover the times when I can't weigh my food accurately, like if there is a function at work. Two, I feel it covers any "extras" that I may incur during the day - like tasting any meals I am making for my family as they are cooking, etc. Three, I wasn't feeling hungry. I guess I figured if I wasn't feeling as if I needed to eat, I shouldn't be filling my face just because. Four, my weight was coming off at a really good rate, why should I mess with it? Sometimes I feel I maybe only am losing because I am eating at the deficit, and If I eat to my goal, I won't lose steadily any more.

    I also know though, that I do have a problem eating if I don't have any foods that I deem acceptable in the house. I will stay away from foods that I feel are too high in calories if they aren't something I love - simply for the fact that they are higher in calories. I often feel, especially early in the day, that I don't want to eat many higher calorie foods - in case I need the calories later.

    You can meal prep ahead of time, and pre-log for the day so that calories/macros aren't a surprise for the day.
    Also, if you're keeping a lot of low cal stuff in the house, that could be the culprit as well. If you're only eating low cal/diet stuff, it's going to be harder to meet your goals for the day.

    Hunger wise, you can try to eat more protein/higher cal options. Peanut butter and avocados, for example, can help keep you fuller longer.
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    Well... eating closer to your full calories could help a bit. Why are you leaving calories? That is your goal. You are supposed to hit that.

    I am leaving calories for a few reasons. One, I like to leave around 100 to cover the times when I can't weigh my food accurately, like if there is a function at work. Two, I feel it covers any "extras" that I may incur during the day - like tasting any meals I am making for my family as they are cooking, etc. Three, I wasn't feeling hungry. I guess I figured if I wasn't feeling as if I needed to eat, I shouldn't be filling my face just because. Four, my weight was coming off at a really good rate, why should I mess with it? Sometimes I feel I maybe only am losing because I am eating at the deficit, and If I eat to my goal, I won't lose steadily any more.

    I also know though, that I do have a problem eating if I don't have any foods that I deem acceptable in the house. I will stay away from foods that I feel are too high in calories if they aren't something I love - simply for the fact that they are higher in calories. I often feel, especially early in the day, that I don't want to eat many higher calorie foods - in case I need the calories later.

    You can meal prep ahead of time, and pre-log for the day so that calories/macros aren't a surprise for the day.
    Also, if you're keeping a lot of low cal stuff in the house, that could be the culprit as well. If you're only eating low cal/diet stuff, it's going to be harder to meet your goals for the day.

    Hunger wise, you can try to eat more protein/higher cal options. Peanut butter and avocados, for example, can help keep you fuller longer.

    Meal prep (besides my lunch to take to work) ahead of them doesn't always work for me. I take my lunch to work, but by the time I get home my husband has already cooked for the family, and I try to make that work. Like today he made spaghetti and meat sauce. I can't eat the spaghetti (too high in calls/carbs) so I mixed some sauce with some extra veggies and beef broth and had soup.

    As for peanut butter, I do eat it, but my first thought is "it is almost 100 calories for just one tablespoon, and what do I eat it with? Bread isn't very good either so then I have a 200 cal snack? Too much "
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    I did wonder about the increase in carbs. While I was still eating sugar, this week I added back in some higher carb foods, like I had a sandwich even though I haven't been eating bread. I ate it because I had enough calories to do so. I also had some wild rice this week, and beans too. Maybe it was too many carbs.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Well... eating closer to your full calories could help a bit. Why are you leaving calories? That is your goal. You are supposed to hit that.

    I am leaving calories for a few reasons. One, I like to leave around 100 to cover the times when I can't weigh my food accurately, like if there is a function at work. Two, I feel it covers any "extras" that I may incur during the day - like tasting any meals I am making for my family as they are cooking, etc. Three, I wasn't feeling hungry. I guess I figured if I wasn't feeling as if I needed to eat, I shouldn't be filling my face just because. Four, my weight was coming off at a really good rate, why should I mess with it? Sometimes I feel I maybe only am losing because I am eating at the deficit, and If I eat to my goal, I won't lose steadily any more.

    I also know though, that I do have a problem eating if I don't have any foods that I deem acceptable in the house. I will stay away from foods that I feel are too high in calories if they aren't something I love - simply for the fact that they are higher in calories. I often feel, especially early in the day, that I don't want to eat many higher calorie foods - in case I need the calories later.

    You can meal prep ahead of time, and pre-log for the day so that calories/macros aren't a surprise for the day.
    Also, if you're keeping a lot of low cal stuff in the house, that could be the culprit as well. If you're only eating low cal/diet stuff, it's going to be harder to meet your goals for the day.

    Hunger wise, you can try to eat more protein/higher cal options. Peanut butter and avocados, for example, can help keep you fuller longer.

    Meal prep (besides my lunch to take to work) ahead of them doesn't always work for me. I take my lunch to work, but by the time I get home my husband has already cooked for the family, and I try to make that work. Like today he made spaghetti and meat sauce. I can't eat the spaghetti (too high in calls/carbs) so I mixed some sauce with some extra veggies and beef broth and had soup.

    As for peanut butter, I do eat it, but my first thought is "it is almost 100 calories for just one tablespoon, and what do I eat it with? Bread isn't very good either so then I have a 200 cal snack? Too much "

    If you don't have a reason for cutting carbs (i.e a medical reason), there's no need to fear calories or cut carbohydrates.
    I still eat bread. I still eat pasta. I still eat peanut butter. I still eat four tablespoons of hummus (140 cals) with Food Should Taste Good chips (140 calories).
    It's all about learning moderation, and fitting things within your macros.

    I personally like peanut butter on celery, or on crackers. It's also great as a spoonful on its own.
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    It's not that I fear calories or carbs, but I do need to try to stay within my daily limits. Bread, pasta, etc, don't help me keep under my carb macro. They also aren't a fave food of mine. I am more likely to spend 160 calories on a muffin, than on bread - because then I at least feel I am giving myself a treat.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    When my woman times are approaching, I become a ravenous beast willing to consume anything in my path.
    Oddly enough, by the week of, I usually don't feel that way anymore. Except for the sadly stereotypical craving for chocolate.
    Perhaps your increased hunger is menstrual cycle related?

    I am like this too.