I just recently turned 31. i am a housewife to a wonderful husband that loves me the way i am; and an aunt to awesome nieces and nephews. On Dec 10th 2010 i weighed in at my all time highest weight of 341 lbs and i finally had enough of my obese self. i could not stand what was looking back at me in the mirror and decided that it was definately time for a change. of course i want to lose the weight for myself, but most important i want to live a long healthy life and enjoy every bit of it with those that i love. my first time in a gym was on christmas eve and since then i have lost 8 lbs.....but def have to keep going...i have a loooong road ahead of me.


  • johnandholli
    Welcome and congrats on the 8lb weight loss and joining the website!:flowerforyou:
  • shastacrystal
    You are on the right path, dont give up and know that you CAN do it!!! Ease it to it and create the habit!! This site will definitely help! You go girl!!!
  • crystalroy
    crystalroy Posts: 84 Member
    I was once there. Weight was 338, spent 2 mins on the elpitcal and gave up cause i couldn't breath. So I started the treadmill at like 2.3 miles per hour and walked 20 or so mins. That was my 1st at the gym. Today is a different story, so don't give up, press forward :). Great job so far!!!!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Congrats on your 8 pound loss!!! What a great way to start off your new fitness journey.

    I remember when I was at my heaviest (191 pounds) and I was in serious denial of how big I was. I mean, I knew that the little number on the tags all said 18 or 20, but I didn't see myself as being overweight let alone obese, which I was. I remember that "ta-da" light bulb coming on moment, and it wasn't pretty. But without going through the whole story, I know that with the support that I have gained from other people including this website, I know that I will never be that way again. I feel much healthier than when I joined MFP, and that was even well into my journey. I only wish I had found this website sooner when I started out wanting to lose weight!!!
  • BlueSkye
    Welcome, im sure you will find so much support here :)
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Welcome aboard! Looking forward to taking this weight loss journey with you!

    Keeps us informed of your progress!

  • lalamcneil
    THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT!! i have tried the eliptical...that thing is a booger...LOL i managed to stay on 5min last week before i just had to get off. i will try again this week. and i went with a friend to try out raquetball...im actually loving that!