toes going numb at cool down of run

Hi! I just completed week 3 of couch to 5k. Its going great, I lost 4lbs THIS WEEK! but here's the thing... I've been dealing with shin splints but *trying* to rest them, wrap them, ice them.. No biggie. Now the last two runs my toes have started tingling and going numb when I'm doing the cool down walk. Its like they are asleep. Anyone have an idea what's going on? Is this related to the shin splints? Do I need new sneakers? Tie them differently? Do a Piggie toe stretch? HELP!


  • H118
    H118 Posts: 9 Member
    Feet swell up while you run, so what starts out as an okay shoe fit might become too tight by the time you're cooling down. You might also have pinched nerves from muscle tightness.

    Best bet? Ask a doctor.
  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    I went up half a size in my shoes and went to shoes with a large toe box (Altras) and I no longer suffer from any toe related black toe nails, no toe blisters, no ripped hole in the toes, etc. I wouldn't recommended Altras to someone not use to running in zero drops, but I would definitely seek out a shoe that has a big box.

    In the meantime, you could look up the ankle lock way of lacing. It allows you to tighten the upper/ankle section of the shoe while leaving the area closer to toes looser. There are a couple different lacing methods like this.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Do your toes touch the front of your shoe??