To Plan Meals or Not to Plan Meals?

That is the question.

I'm curious.
I'd like to ask all my fellow bulkers, which way has been the most successful way for YOU to meet your calorie goal?
Are you a 100% pre-planned bulker, semi-pre planned bulker or do you take the day as it comes and pray it adds up? And why?


  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    I think it depends on the person, but I think if you have struggled to gain weight for some time or are someone who forgets to eat planning is best...but you can always wean off.

    Maybe start and plan out week in advance/days in advance (what I used to do)
    Then just plan day before
    Then morning of
    Then maybe won't have to?
  • watto1980
    watto1980 Posts: 155 Member
    I semi-plan, as in I usually know what I am going to eat for breakfast and dinner. Then I have different go to foods that I know will help me reach my nutrient goals. But basically I just eat what I feel like because I have so many different types of go to foods, so I can eat what I feel during the day and still be able to hit my macro targets.

    Once I have hit my protein and fat targets I usually just eat ice-cream and other junk food. Good times!
  • LovesGG
    LovesGG Posts: 241 Member
    Thank you for the responses. I'm an on-the-go college student and I don't plan my meals. I meet my calorie goal with some distress because I never know what my day will be like, where I'll drive by, what time I'll get home, what time I'll leave home, when I'll have time to do groceries, etc.

    I just wasn't sure if planning would cause me more distress or not so I posted this topic to see. I think I shall give semi-planning a shot.
  • watto1980
    watto1980 Posts: 155 Member
    I think some planning is good though. I like preparing lots of meals in advance and either refrigerating them or freezing them.

    Just because it might be something like spaghetti that would traditionally be eaten for dinner doesn't mean I won't take one with me to eat during the day for lunch or a snack. I reckon tuna, cottage cheese, almonds, milk, beef jerky, fruit etc would be some good stuff to keep in a cooler bag with ice bricks.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I used to not pre-plan meals my first few months on MFP. Then this past year I usually at least plan the first 75% of my day - last meal is often up in the air depending on what my day actually went like. I like pre-planning at least a day in advance so that I can be sure I hit my goals not just in macros, but things like fiber & vitamins.
    I also meal prep for work in the beginning of my work week. An hour & 1/2 - 2 hours in the kitchen makes the rest of the week go by pretty easy.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I semi plan normally. Depending on what day it is (two jobs) I know what I eat for my first/second meal of the day and this usually gets my well on the way to my protein target. Dinner always changes but will always have some protein in it. I then take a look at my cals/macros and determine my last meal of the day. Most people would probably go for the ice cream (and sometimes I do) but I typically really love my prooats concoctions so I normally make one of these to round out the day :smile:

    edit: I use the same method for cutting and maintenance also.