calorie calculations

730 calories in two scrambled eggs? That's ridiculous and way out of line from all comparable info on the web. If this is typical of how the app manages calorie counts, then the app is worthless.


  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    You obviously put in more than 2 eggs. Sounds like user error to me.
  • HeatherScent37
    HeatherScent37 Posts: 25 Member
    An egg has about 80 calories. You may have selected a user-entry, which could have been something more like a cup of eggs scrambled in butter.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member

    Try harder next time.
  • lasombrs
    lasombrs Posts: 30
    Thats why instead of choosing scrambled eggs you create your own recipe in the recipe tab, input the total eggs, milk, cheese what have you you put in yours, the number of servings you expect it to make and add that to your daily intake screen. The one you choose may have used buttermilk and god knows what else. Take the time to input it correctly and you get much better results :)