Here we go...again

Hello! My name is Mariah. I've been on "diets" since I've been 10 years old, struggling to get this weight off. I've lost and gained the same 30 pounds over and over again. I am a single mother now and am desperate to make the change once and for all! Please add me if you are looking for encourage and support and can offer the same :)


  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    You CAN do it. I'm sure you'll find many friends here who will help and encourage you to reach you expectations. However, in the end, only you can make it happen.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    IOW--you've been a yo yo dieter. Stop dieting--it's not working for you. Eliminate that word out of your vocabulary--because it's meaning is just temporary. You need a life style change of eating less, and moving more.

    Don't eliminate foods from your new life style change just eat less of them. Do portion control. Two slices of bread turns into one slice, etc. etc. etc. No more second helpings--lay off of the sweets. And exercise.

    All it is--is calories in versus calories burned during the day.
  • DanaLynnMN
    DanaLynnMN Posts: 192 Member
    I have been over weight pretty much my whole life...except for a brief period way back in high school when I was on the danceline and very active. I too have lost weight and then gained it back...and then some. I have been off and on of MFP...and am recently back at it again (proud to say that after being away from MFP for over a year....I didn't gain any weight back!). I have found this place to be the MOST helpful tool in my weight loss journey. Tons of great food ideas, many options for exercise "challenges", good advise (just ignore any mean & nasty comments...focus on the positive and motivating ones), and always check out the success stories for some AMAZING inspiration. (My goal is to post my pictures there one day...and inspire someone!)

    I am on here multiple times a day...logging and checking out what's going on in the community boards. I try my best to be a motivator...but if nothing else, I am an open ear!

    Feel free to add me!

    And, remember, we can do this!!