Making Progress But Weight Loss Minimal



  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    I can't speak for anyone but myself, but when I was trying to lose weight on MFP I never ate under 1200 calories and I always ate back my exercise calories. Some months I lost quickly and some months I lost almost nothing but after a little over a year I was down to where I wanted to be.
  • foxgl0ve
    foxgl0ve Posts: 43 Member
    I don't have any advice to offer, but I am very much in the same boat. We have similar goals, and are similarly stuck - Please feel free to add me as a friend if you just need a little encouragement to stick to it even when the scale doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
  • chriscrosse
    chriscrosse Posts: 39 Member
    So I took measurements, I think the day I first posted this so that I had another method to try to numerically measure success besides the scale. I took them and forgot them. Then I saw the US Navy chart for determining body fat and I took my measurements again, six days later to have the numbers to input into the body fat% calculator. Remembering I had already taken them, I looked back at the first measurement and holy moly, I lost 1/2" from my neck, 2 inches from my waist and two from my hips, in six days! I so wish I had taken measurement in May when I really started in earnest. If I had to guess, I can't really judge my hips or neck but I have probably lost at least 6 inches off my waist with 2# on the scale loss.

    I have been trying to bump my calories up a little, just to 1200-1400 rather than 900-1100 and I feel like I have a bit more energy and the scale isn't moving either way but I bought a new pair of pants and my usual 12 was loose and roomy the first time I put them on, in fact, I could have squeezed in the tens but in a white jean, I figure looser looks better:)

    I read a bunch of personal trainer websites/discussions and it would seem that I am recompositioning at an even rate. A woman there had pictures of 140# fat or fit and the weight was the same but her shape totally different. I have cut back a little on aerobic from always an hour to 30 minutes on weight days and added 4 more weight training sessions a week. I still want to hit my goal weight but at least in the short term I am going to continue to measure food carefully, exercise, work towards overall increased activity, take measurements and trust the process.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    If you are losing inches, without losing pounds, you are probably gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. That's a good thing. And since you don't really have a lot to lose (relatively speaking)… my guess that's what's happening. Pay attention to eating healthy… and eating "real food." And don't be in too big of a hurry.

    This is not what's happening. It can't happen. If you're truly eating at a deficit, then you CAN'T put on muscle. Your body needs a surplus of energy (calories) and an ever increasing amount of stress (heavy weight lifting) to push it to make additional tissue to compensate for the additional stress.

    If you're eating a little surplus and lifting heavy, you might be gaining muscle and retaining water in your muscles as they repair and grow. The scale is a liar. Always remember that. :)
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    I wouldn't eat low carb. Just eliminate refined carbs....... carbs are fuel for the extensive workouts you are doing, easily burned and easily accessible for your body to use as energy. Also.... are you sure you are..... this is embarrassing.... not holding onto a lot of waste product in your body. Are you properly eliminating and do you drink enough water combined with 25-30 grams of fiber everyday.... preferably vegetable/fruit fiber but whole grain fiber works too.