Not new (but horrible lurker...)

Hi! I'm not new here (I can not remember when I joined...), but I'm ready to actually participate and stay motivated. I think I may have joined last year sometime and then forgot about it (read: got very lazy...). I've always been thin (genetics/kids/more active), but after hitting the big 4-0 a while back the pounds (and inches) have been creeping on. I "only" have about 10-12 pounds to lose, but they are the MOST stubborn 10-12 pounds ever. And, I have been lazy with exercising and well beyond lazy with watching what I put in my mouth.

As I said in my subject line, I have been lurking and reading a lot of posts and I have learned a TON (so I thank everybody for that ~ even if I was being a bit stalkerish). I have 2 grown kids, 1 8-year-old Babylicious still at home and a super awesome 9 month old Mini-Babylicious grandson. My dad is (and has been as long as I remember) very overweight, my mom became overweight as she aged and I'm scared if I don't get myself in better shape now, I'll be on the same path.

If anyone would be willing to add me as their friend I'd really appreciate the motivation and support (and I'll be happy to cheer you on as well). I also promise (mostly) not to whine or complain much (but I may ask a ton of questions). Thank you!
