Last week I found MFP on my new IPhone. I have been wanting to lose wait for so long and every time I try, I only lose a few pounds and give up the writing of my food. So, I have been logging, but need to get serious about my exercise. I have been changing some habits; cut out soda, cut down on wine consumption, trying to eat breakfast to get m y metabolism going, and trying to sleep (which I have always had insominia). I was thin until I was around 35 when I started gaining weight. No changes in my lifestyle, just started gaining wait and have not stopped since. Once in a while I will diet and lose a couple of pounds, but never any significant weight loss. But, I am going to stay on top of my food, exercise and logging, and have patience with the weight loss, which could take me a year. I weigh a little over 170 pounds and should be between 125-140. I don't think I will see 125 pounds again, but I will be happy at 140 Honestly, the biggest reason I can see for my weight increase is that I smoke and everytime I try to quit smoking, I gain a few pounds. And every time I quit, I don't care about gaining, I just want to quit smoking. But, alas, I fail once more and not only am I smoking again, I have all this extra weight. Anyway, hopefully I will quit smoking for good one day, but in the meantime, I want to get my weight under control. I will keep reading all these posts from wonderful people trying their best and will be motivated and inspired by their preserverance. Good luck to you all and to me too!


  • lgrav001
    I think it's great that you are taking control of your life..I know all of the tools and what to do, I just need to do it..exercise definitely helps but diet is also important too..most importantly, keep up exercising, and even if you mess up, no worries..keep moving..congrats on taking control of your life..:smile:
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member

    You find the right site, the motivation will keep you going and you'll meet some great people at the same time. I used to smoke as well and every time I got a craving I chewed a piece of gum. Try to find the reason why you're smoking so that you can kick the habit - is it boredom? Do you switch smoking with eating? Be conscious of your habits.

    You'll lose the weight and kick your smoking habit - especially if you're losing the weight. Every time I worked out I felt guilty about smoking so I had to quit.

    Good luck!!
  • safetyscott
    safetyscott Posts: 66 Member
    Im 1 month quit....figured whats the sence of dieting and exercising...if i was just gona die of lung cancer anyhow.......heart attack....or lung cancer.....hard choice...but i chose neither....quit smoking..and lose can be done!!
  • tschram12
    tschram12 Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome I am new here too good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • Kathy1966
    Kathy1966 Posts: 7 Member
    This is a great place to be! I understand about the smoking....I was not a big smoker but I did smoke. I quit smoking in Aug and started a healthier life style. I was 210lb yes 9 years ago I was 120lbs very healthy. I did not "really" start on here until Noverber. From Aug -oct only lost 5 lbs. Now I can say I could not do this without all my friends on here, plus all my family and friends! This site has been a great supporter for me. You can do it!