
pen282 Posts: 168 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support

Just after some opinions really...
I have always been a worrier but the past year has been a lot worse (pretty much every day Ive felt axious, mentally and physically) - it got bad enough I went to the docs who referred me to a CBT course. That did help, though I still have trouble accepting the physical symptoms... :-(
I havn't been labelled by the docs, but I would say (based on info Ive read and the course) I have general anxiety (GAD) and health anxiety..

My question is, do any of you have or are dealing with these same issues?
Do you have any tips to help - whether fitness or diet realted - with anxiety?

I do find the gym helps relieve the symptoms and the fact I havnt been in a while - and now feel tense etc sugguests it does play a part in helping. I am getting married in May (so not lng to go now) and I dont want to feel my anxiey spiralling down again... My work doesnt really fulfill me anymore and my workload is buiding up.. maybe its too much at the mo...

Sorry for rambeling, just wonder if anyone else is going through smething sililar

Pen x



  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I suffer from anxiety and depression, and since I no longer have health insurance, I am untreated at the moment. I'm finding that exercise helps both conditions. I'm having fewer panic attacks, even though my life has been SUPER stressful the past couple of months.

    I know how debilitating anxiety can be.... my suggestion is to start going to the gym again... make yourself a priority, and HANG IN THERE! Use your friends, family, and fellow MFP'ers for support. You are there for them... allow them to be there for you. AND when all else fails, ASK FOR HELP! This is the hardest thing for me, but I'm learning.

    I hope things get better for you!
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi there,
    i too get anxiety and at some times its worse than others. My physical symptoms are unfortunately pretty obvious including hair loss, and a rash i can develop in high anxiety situations.
    I also find that i turn to food in times where i find it difficult to cope.
    I think what has helped me the most in the short term is beta blockers (which stop my rash forming), but i try to not take them often. Therapy has been helping, but i have been slacking off with it over the holiday season.
    Also, exercise helps. I love kick boxing, and HIIT. Things that i can take some anger out on :)
    what is CBT btw?
    Oh, and a dietary tip: omega 3 fatty acids, have shown to help with the mood. I take about 6,000mg a day. Hope this helped a bit.
  • Hi Pen, I suffer from anxiety also and recently I went to an Eating Disorder and Obesity Management Clinic in Ireland. The trainer gave me some very helpful tips on dealing with anxiety and healthy eating. She said to cut out all diet sodas and coffee as both were triggers that increase anxiety and to eat every 3 hours as this keeps blood sugars stable. She also said not to eat between the 3 hours as this causes the pancreas to be over stimulated and suggested getting Xylobrit -a sugar subsitute available in Health Food Stores. I hope this is some help to you. I'm trying so hard to practice what I preach! Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • exercise is great for anxiety (i use it for depression, but i've had friends with SEVERE anxiety issues)
    diet may also play into it. If you eat a lot of refined sugars (aka white breads, pastas, etc) or sugar in general, it reeks havoc on your hormonal system (especially for those of us with these kinds of issues)---there is a book, i don't remember the name of it, but it had to do with anxiety being a side effect of a vitamin deficientcy? try looking up "diet to prevent anxiety"
    I wouldn't have believed that your diet can affect you that much until I started "eating clean", and my depression is so much more under control than even when i was on meds!
    good luck, and congrats on the wedding to be!
  • savagegirl
    savagegirl Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a part qualified CBT therapist and qualified mental health nurse. On the other of the coin I also suffer from anxiety and depression too. For me I have a deficit in serotonin so, I have to take Prozac an SSRI, or I end up in a mess. Exercise is key to helping reduce anxiety as it releases the hormones that build up during the body's fight or flight response. Also relaxation techniques(your therapist may have taught some of these), breathing exercises, yoga and practising mindfulness also help. There is lots of stuff on the Internet about mindfulness. Avoid anything but mild use of alcohol and caffeine. I also take Omega 3 and a B complex as these help with mood. I hope this helps. Susie :-)
  • shaweetie
    shaweetie Posts: 33 Member
    I've had anxiety as long as i can remember. I have to take medication for it, or else i can't function, but i've found eating better and exercise have both helped me SO much! It's an awful thing to live with, but there's a lot of help out there when you look for it! :smile: And there's so much support on MFP as well.
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Thank you so much for your replies everyone :flowerforyou:
    it means a lot hearing from others too!

    I do need to get back in usual gym routine, I usually got 4 times a week and I do think the fact I havnt been in a while is probably making me feel btit worse! So gym is the first thing to get back on track with :-)

    Sorry, CBT is cognitive behaveral therapy - the course I did anyway involved a lot of diary keeping, helping me to recognise triggers and retrain the way Ilooked at things.. On that note, I shall look back over my notes from the course.

    I will begin to try and eat more regularly too and of coures try to watch what i eat mroe closely!

    savagegirl - thanks for reminding me about the wonders of relaxation - I have a relaxation cd i used to listen to alot more than i do now - and it helps! So another thing to get back to haha! I will read up on mindfullness, thankyou.

    I am so touched by all your replies - thanks again everyone
  • Hi Pen,

    I also suffer from anxiety and health anxiety in particular. I was also referred by my GP for CBT and it helped me out so much - the therapist gave me some really useful literature that meant that I could feel like I was helping myself whilst I was at home.

    In particular with the health anxiety, it was so good to know that the worries and panics about my physical symptoms (which I was often bringing on myself such as breathlessness, palpations, pains in the chest etc) were completely normal. To see that in black and white made all the difference to me and helped me to get over my worries.

    I am now almost completely free of the panic and anxiety. I'm careful not to put too much pressure on myself now and if I do have a panic attack, I can recognise and deal with it.

    Feel free to add me as a friend - any time you need to let off steam or have a sympathetic ear, then I'll be glad to help.

    Angie x
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