whats your perfect breakfast?

Well Ive only been on this journey for a few weeks and one major change I made was incorporating breakfast in my daily life. A meal I was guilty of skipping .

But, it took me a bit to figure out WHAT I liked to eat for breakfast and Id love to know what everyone else likes to eat for their breakfast.

I can not do much sugar in the am. So smoothies or fruit wasnt for me. Same with green juices. It just made me starving on an empty stomach. I also didnt like eating oatmeal or cereal in the morning. If I were to eat a grain based meal, Id prefer it be for dinner. My perfect breakfast is an egg white wrap. Whole wheat lavash+ fresh raw spinach+ avacado+ egg white (I hate the yolk)+ 1slice cheddar cheese (my only dairy since I try to limit it). And on the side I have one or two slices of orange but I dont eat it until I have finished my wrap- so its like dessert

Its a miracle what this breakfast does for me. When I eat lunch 3 hours later, I am not starving. So I dont over eat.


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I eat breakfast once a week on Sunday's, and even then it's my brunch. Every other day I only eat lunch and dinner and I wouldn't have it any other way. Breakfast is overrated.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    I don't eat till 1 PM.

    But occasionally on the weekends or days off I make a late lunch whenever I stop working on sewing projects and make a full eggs/bacon/blueberry pankcake breakfast.

    I do love me some waffles and whip cream with strawberries too.

    and bacon egg and cheese bagel.

    and a good doughnut.

    but mostly I just drink coffee. a lot.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    One of my favorite savory breakfasts is roasted kabocha squash (can substitute butternut or delicata squash or even sweet potatoes if you can find these little green japanese pumpkins) over some mixed greens – my favorite mix is kale, baby spinach and arugala – sautéed in coconut oil. Great combination of flavors and if you roast all the squash ahead of time, this breakfast comes together in less than 5 minutes in a single pan.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 646 Member
    I mash together an egg with an egg white a banana and about 2 tbs rolled oats...I cook it in a pan like a pancake...sometimes I put some PB on it and it really keeps me full for a long time...one of my go to meals if I wake up really hungry.
  • jasondcooper
    jasondcooper Posts: 125
    I believe that breakfast is a very important meal. Get those cals in early in the day, I say! We had an egg white scramble with fresh veggies including spinach today. It was more like brunch time. If I had that kind of time every morning, I would so be in for that. A typical day is a bowl of cereal with almond milk or Greek yogurt and a piece of fruit. Ideally, I like to consume about 15-20% of my daily cals at breakfast. I'm not going to lie though, I often don't eat enough in the morning. :)
  • AnxiousPenman
    AnxiousPenman Posts: 71 Member
    Growing up, I only ate breakfast on the weekends when my parents were home from work. Back then, it was usually corn flakes on Saturday and eggs (fried or scrambled) & bacon on Sunday.

    As an adult, I'm fully of the belief that (for me personally) life isn't worth living without a good breakfast.

    My typical breakfast is All Bran Buds with Almond Milk ... which I disliked at first and only ate it for the ridiculous amount of fiber. Now, I've been eating it so long that I actually really enjoy it quite a lot. It's a small breakfast, but I like it.

    My current favorite breakfast though is one I usually only eat on Sunday mornings with my wife: Fried egg & bacon sandwich with pepperjack cheese and jalapenos (either on whole wheat bread or a whole wheat bagel thin).

    The breakfast I would eat every day for the rest of my life if it loved me nearly as much as I love it:

    Homemade sausage gravy and biscuits, with bacon, a slice of country ham, fried eggs, and hash brown casserole. I have it once a year, around Christmas time, at the breakfast heaven that is Cracker Barrel. :-D

  • mousetrousers
    mousetrousers Posts: 27 Member
    What I've been eating. *not all in one breakfast serving lol. Just one option a day.

    1) Egg & cheese omelet.

    2) A bagel with cream cheese is more practical if I need to leave in a hurry.

    3) Greek Yogurt & Nuts.

    All with water, o.j, or green tea.

    When I was vegan I loved bean breakfast burritos. I should start eating those again, yum.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I've mostly been doing fruit as of late. I've bought a bunch of little 2 cup glass containers, and filling them with strawberries, blueberries, grapes, ect.

    I've also been a fan of homemade breakfast sandwiches in the past. Eggs cooked in a muffin tin in the oven, two slices of bacon, half of a slice of cheese, and a wheat english muffin. Fits in my macros, and keeps me filled up til my snack or lunch.
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    What, wait, didn't you just post this on another thread???
    by starve I mean: very weak, dizzy, low energy, cant get off the couch... I dont mean hunger pangs. I mean literally the feeling of starvation. And yes, Im aware that Im overweight & that my body "should" understand it can use my fat as energy.

    And Ive had a full physical and all my bloodwork is normal.

    And yes, Ive had my BF% tested multiple times by trained professionals who have all remarked that I have a lot of lean muscle.

    But now you're posting breakfast that keeps you full for hours?? I call bs.
  • chele1028
    chele1028 Posts: 248 Member
    Hey girl!

    Ok I have the same breakfast every day, I wake up hungry for it and look forward to it lol.

    I make an egg n cheese sandwich and 1 cup of coffee.

    The protein keeps me full until lunch.

    1 Arnolds whole wheat sandwich thin flax and fiber or the multi grain one.toasted.
    Eggbeaters or I use 1 or 2 eggs, I try to watch the cholesterol and switch it up is all and fry them up with Pam olive oil spray.
    Laughing cow cheese, the chipotle one, yum.

    It is good, only takes a few minutes to make also.
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    Which one is it op. Are you starving to death or do you stay full for hours?? Hmmmmmmm,

    On another note I used to love playing with these dolls as a kid

  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Perfect breakfast would be roast tomato, beans, mushrooms, avocado and hash browns with eggs on toast and a nice big soy cappuccino. Yum!
  • hartface26
    hartface26 Posts: 7 Member
    I have to have protein in the morning...two scrambled eggs with feta cheese and a large cup of coffee OR two pieces of Daves toast with a tablespoon of almond butter. That keeps me going until noon. :)
  • BeautifulSoul705
    BeautifulSoul705 Posts: 123 Member
    My perfect breakfast would have to be an 3 egg white omelet with asparagus,mushrooms, tomato and green peppers.
    Cafe' con leche with skim milk