Friends needed!

jeminiami Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone!

My name is Annie. I found this site through the App Store on my iPhone. I have been using the app for about a week, but this is my first time to the website. I absolutly love this app so far.

So I have about 106 pounds to lose. I am taking Alli while using this site. I lost about 30 pounds on Alli a couple of years ago, and have kept it off, but I have lots more to lose.

I have three kids, age 7, 6, and 5. I live in Western PA and am extremely active in the community and my kids activities. I would love to share my accomplishments with a few people and encourage one another. My screenname is Jeminiami. Please feel free to add me as a friend and we can do this together!!



  • clmunjoy
    clmunjoy Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Annie. I saw your posting and thought I would reach out. I signed up for this website a month or two ago but have just really started to use it in the last week. I have about 25 - 30 pounds to lose and have struggled with this 25 - 30 pounds for years.

    I live in central IL and I also have 3 kids - 7, 4 (soon to be 5), and 2.

    I will add you as a friend and we can encourage each other! My screen name is clmunjoy.
  • erperry
    erperry Posts: 1 Member
    you can be our friend

    i have been using my fitness pal for about 2 months and i love it
    i could always use some encouragement from anybody
  • charliex2202
    charliex2202 Posts: 4,281 Member
    hey i only joined on saturday so i am a newbie here to feel free to add me and we can help motivate each other through the highs and lows, this place really does work i have lost 5lbs already and am so happy

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • amyrc12
    amyrc12 Posts: 183 Member
    The mobile app is great - I use it too! I don't have the internet at home - so it really comes in handy.
    Feel free to add me - Good luck!! You can do it!!
  • Hi annie

    happy to be your fitness pal. I live in London and have 2 kids. I lived in Perth a long time ago I lived around Cotteslow area and Mosman park. Good luck with the weight loss happy to inspire you and share tips.
  • Aburn
    Aburn Posts: 2
    Hi Annie,
    I started about a month ago and have maintained a loss of 7 lbs. I love this site. I have used Weight Watchers in the past but the simplicity of counting calories seems to be where I am at right now. Love the ability to see progress. I spent my first 5 or so years of live in Scranton, PA and then family moved to midwest.

    I have twin girls age 4 and 1 yr old son. Need/Want to lose 40lbs.

    Good Luck!

    Screen name: Aburn
  • charliex2202
    charliex2202 Posts: 4,281 Member
    how do i display my ticker here? cant figure it out
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Hi and Welcome! I love this site. I have 3 children as well- 6,3 and 2 years old. Feel free to add me :happy:
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    how do i display my ticker here? cant figure it out

    Add it to your signature with the code =)
  • I'd like some friends too please! Also a newbie, not sure how to add people. I've got about 10 pounds to lose, then maybe some more after that. I live In Reading, England with my boyfriend. I lost loads of weight when I joined Weight Watchers a couple of years ago, then lost a bit more and got a bit too thin when I lost a friend. A year and a bit on and I've piled it all back on after moving into a place with my other half. It needs to go in tiem for the summer!!

    Have loads of old tips from Weight Watchers, but also need the encouragement from others.
  • thetorontokid2
    thetorontokid2 Posts: 231 Member
    Glad you're here!! I, too am always looking for more people to encourage and be encouraged by! Definitely going to add you. Welcome!!
  • GayleyB12
    GayleyB12 Posts: 8 Member

    My name is Gayle and I live in West Yorkshire in England. I'm a student nurse . I don't have children, which is just as well at the moment as I don't have much time for my own life nevermind somebody elses.

    I'm fairly active and do work inbetween uni and placements.

    Its my first weigh in today. Hope I've managed to lose something.

    I'm fairly new to MFP and haven't worked out how it works properly yet.

    Hopefully we'll keep in touch and keep each other motivated.

  • Hi Annie

    I can totally relate to your post. I just started my zig-zag diet and found the iPhone app to help with keeping track of the calories. I totally love it and believe I can accomplish my goals...

    I am 39 and live in NY. My goal is to lose 50 by June and 15-20 pounds by February which I know is very ambitious. But if I had a couple of fitness buddies to help support me I know the journey will be fun... My name is sensualgny and I hope you will accept my friendship.

    I wish you prosperity on this endeavor!

  • Hi Friends!

    So you guys made my day!! I posted my first post asking for friends, took my kids out to the school bus and by the time I came back I had like 12-13 friends! AMAZING!! I am super excited to read about your triumphs, and help you through the slumps!

    A side note.....yesterday I finally opened the Wii Active that I bought 2 years ago....yes it was still factory sealed! I did a low impact workout on the 30 day challenge and my legs are BURNING today! Such a good feeling though. I know they are burning because I was working muscles that I had not even thought about in years. Can't wait to work out again and feel those muscles burn!!

    Here's to a skinny day!!
  • Hi everyone!

    My name is Emma, and I'm 24. I live in Edinburgh, Scotland and am new to the app and the site. I really love the app and how I can track everything I'm eating (no more fooling myself that that chocolate bar doesn't have any calories! I don't have any friends at the moment though, so I'm looking for people who'd like to add me so we can help keep each other motivated!

    I currently weigh-in at 203lbs :( My end goal is to lose 77lbs...hopefully by the end of July. I know it's ambitious, but with my new found discovery that I actually enjoy going to the gym, I hope it's achievable! My first goal is to get into my 'healthy weight range' by my birthday. That's a loss of 46lbs by April 20th, 3.3lbs a week. I don't know if I can do it, but I'm sure gonna try!

    If you want to add me so we can help each other on our journeys, my username's the_emma86.

    Sending skinny thoughts to everyone!

  • Hey, I live in Adelaide in South Australia. I'm 34, an accountant with no kids unless you count the hubby, dog and 2 cats! Feel free to add me as a friend if you like


  • Shawnarose
    Shawnarose Posts: 74 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I am new here also and would love some friends to lean on! Have a lot to lose and need to stay motivated, so go ahead and add me to your list.
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