Protein Shakes and weight loss

Hey, so I have recently been drinking one or two protein shakes as part of my calorie controlled diet. Mostly for straight after the gym and one before bed satisfies me for the morning, As long as include these in my total calorie intake, will these effect my weight loss journey? thanks


  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    as long as they are included in your total calorie intake they will have NO negative effect on your weight loss, and will help to keep your protein higher. An adequate protein intake (much higher than MFP's default) will go a long way toward helping to ensure that you lose more fat than muscle mass.

    So in a roundabout way the protein shakes will have an effect on your weight loss - a positive one.
  • mcampbell795
    mcampbell795 Posts: 20 Member
    thank you I thought so too! I also feel that with taking them im much more vigilant of what else im eating as these shakes can make you bulk if your eating badly on them.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    thank you I thought so too! I also feel that with taking them im much more vigilant of what else im eating as these shakes can make you bulk if your eating badly on them.

    well...not really. Protein shakes wont' make you bulk. Protein shakes are just liquid food, nothing magical about them that make you gain muscle. You have to eat a calorie surplus and lift heavy weight to put on muscle, and it happens way slower than most people think, AND, if you happen to be a woman it happens even slower than that :laugh:. So even if you're drinking protein shakes and eating "badly," as you put it, unless you're also a man who is lifting on the regs you're not going to get bulky, just fat (and that only if you're eating more than your maintenance level, so...)
  • roma_naman
    roma_naman Posts: 4 Member
    Just make sure the sugar on the protein shakes is low. There is a lot of junk in the market that has a lot of stuff you want to avoid. Go for something with not more than 3-4 gms of sugar at the max (on a regular basis) but you can treat yourself with a good tasty protein shake with good sugar once a week if you wish. All the best!
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    thank you I thought so too! I also feel that with taking them im much more vigilant of what else im eating as these shakes can make you bulk if your eating badly on them.


    You will only 'bulk' if you are in a surplus of calories. Its good that you are trying to eat healthy but dont deny yourself the odd treat for fear of adding bulk. A protein shake will no more make you magically add mass than a chicken breast will.

    Plus like a PP said, its harder for us girls to get bulky....sadly.