The Larger Picture (Three Years of Progress)

I'm not perfect in reaching my weight loss and fitness goals, but I made this list of my progress over the past three years and was encouraged. Hopefully, it will encourage some of you also to continue to strive in obtaining your goals and eventually see big gains. MyFitnessPal has certainly been a major part in my progress. Thanks to all who make MFP work!

My Road to Better Health

- Began general weight loss with MyFitnessPal, June 2011

- Doctor recommended vegetarian/no fat dairy diet for heart health and as a condition to stay off statins, 2012

- Lots of walking and backpacking, 500 miles in one year, lost max of 75 lbs, dabbled in yoga, 2011-2012

- Slide, learned to cook to reduce processed foods, eat whole foods, but struggling with calorie limit because of return to too many high density calories leading to overeating, gained back 25 lbs in six months, 2013

- Started drinking recommended amount of water, started regular yoga routine, January 2014

- Started eating via Volumetrics to reduce starches and sugars, stay within calorie goal, and lose final half of weight loss goal of 100 pounds, wanting to resume regular walking, June 2014

Things I've accomplished over three years:

- Greatly reduced junk food and unhealthy fats in diet. I still eat junk food but far less of it, and I have more control over my intake of it.

- Gained a better understanding of nutrition and effects of food on my body.

- Lost and kept off 50 pounds for three years.

- Gained more control of my health. Reduced my cholesterol, glucose levels and prescribed medications.

- Taken over grocery buying and cooking and have largely cut out processed foods for me and my wife.

- Gained cooking skills. I enjoy kitchen time. Brings back a lot of family memories. My wife appreciates coming home to a home cooked dinner.

- Improved my core strength and stamina.

- I feel better.


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Awesome! Thank you for sharing this, as it is a realistic depiction of a weight loss journey.
  • gottorow
    gottorow Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks. One other benefit I forgot is I've become more active. It's less hard to get up off the couch.
  • Leighsters
    Leighsters Posts: 33 Member
    I loveeeeeeee this story! So true and so real ! I can relate a lot!