Been on here about a year or so and working out well.

So I got MFP about a year ago and it sat there, not used. Then one day this January I decided I was tired or being near 300lbs. So far I am down 34 lbs. I recently signed up for a Personal Trainer, more so because I feel I've hit a mental wall where I feel that I need an extra push and am looking forward to starting that Tuesday. Currently working towards an intermediate goal of 225. so about 40 lbs to go. Ideally I want to be around 200 and have some personal goals in mind for later this year and next year.

I haven't posted on here before more so because of me being an introvert, but find that weight loss by yourself is much harder than with people in a group or at least on the same social site.

Hope to meet a few people and I also look forward to continuing my weight loss and getting healthy.


  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    Keep up the great work! Working with a trainer is a great idea. Not only are they a great motivator, but you will learn alot from them and get ideas of new, more challenging routines to incorporate into your workout. Changing things up is important for success too.

    Best of luck!
  • CharlesT89
    CharlesT89 Posts: 5 Member
    I know exactly what you mean by changing things up. I did great the first 3 months but then I hit a wall and was able to maintain my weight but not lose. Rather than risk falling back into old habits I figured I should develop new ones and picked up running and decided to get a personal trainer to help get me over that hump and closer to my goals.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Great job so far! Congrats! Even breaking out of your shell and talking here. You're not only losing weight your confidence is growing and you're willing to reach out.

    Love that!

  • allisonjforsyth
    allisonjforsyth Posts: 105 Member
    Congrats on your success so far! You are on the right track! Good luck and wishing you all the best!! :)
  • CharlesT89
    CharlesT89 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks to everyone so far. It's a long road but I'll get there eventually. No need to get depressed and go back to old habits.