any female mesomorphs out here

I Just learned I am a mesomorph (atheletic type) female. I want to lose weight I wanted to see if there are any other female athetes out here who can show me what works outs they do and how many calories they eat to lose weight. I don't want to maintain my 184 pounds. I want to get to 134 pounds. all the sites I search only say how a mesomorph needs to either maintain their calories or gain weight. but they don't tell you about losing.


  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I'm sure there are a lot of us!
    try this

    it has been spot on with my calories needs for losing, maintenance.
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    My body type is mesomorph, I found that when I weigh under 135 I do not look healthy. Mesomorphs tend to have
    higher body weight due to muscle and bone mass. I have found the best way to lose fat is by eating 5 times a day with
    each meal and snack including 40% lean protein/30% low GI carbs/30% polyunsaturated fats. If I stick to this it comes off
    pretty quickly. However, I have trouble sticking to this on a regular basis, but if I just stay away from junk food and processed food
    I still lose at a steady, but slower pace.
    MFP has me on 1200 calories a day. this is easy to maintain if I stay with the 40/30/30, but damn near impossible if I eat the things I do like, like peanut butter sandwiches, chicken wings, big juicy steaks and baked potatoes, lol.
    The reason I am stuck on low cal is due to a back injury - herniated disk - which is limiting my exercise until it heals. When I worked out every day, I could maintain on 2500 to 3000 calories a day, and it all went to muscle.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    for me eatign 5x a day doesn't work, jsut makes me more hungry. i stick to 3x a day and has worked well. more eating means more times i coudl overdo eating!
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    so far the eating is helping I have only ate 4 times so far my last will be dinner. I am not feeling endlessly hungry and going fine on my calories thus far. I found for the ideal weight calculator for this mesomorph at 5"4 inches tall that for me the ideal weight is between 134-151 pounds. i changed my goal to 140 pounds see from there.
  • difabu
    difabu Posts: 143
    so far the eating is helping I have only ate 4 times so far my last will be dinner. I am not feeling endlessly hungry and going fine on my calories thus far. I found for the ideal weight calculator for this mesomorph at 5"4 inches tall that for me the ideal weight is between 134-151 pounds. i changed my goal to 140 pounds see from there.

    Could you please share this ideal weight calculator? I've been looking and looking but can't find one!
  • VeronicaLucien
    VeronicaLucien Posts: 1 Member
    I am also a mesomorph. I find that when wanting to lose weight for myself it helps to incorporate high intensity cardio 3-4x a week and heavy weight training daily (4 sets of 10-12 reps) but never training the same body part two days in a row. Its allows me to cut body fat quickly. My diet is pretty strict when wanting to lose weight between 1400-1600 calories. Being consistent and discipline is really the key to weight loss. Oh and by the way, I am 5'9 145 and started out at 165lbs.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I'm sure there are a lot of us!
    try this

    it has been spot on with my calories needs for losing, maintenance.

    I'm one too. Though I don't gain fat very easily (maybe I've always unconsciously regulated my intake), I sure do gain muscle and lose fat pretty easily. Agree about using the scooby calculator, it's been really accurate for me, too.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    Definitely a mesomorph here!

    I am having success by losing verrrrry slowly. My body seems to thrive off of lots of activity AND lots of food. I mostly do circuit training, which seems to keep me muscular while also giving me a cardio burn. That muscle we have is the key to a blazing metabolism, and as a raging hedonist, I would never want to lose any lean body mass, cause I want to eat as much as I can! I NET 1600 calories per day. Anything less than 1400 and I can feel the life draining out of me. I also personally feel like crap if my carbs are over 30% of my calories or my protein is less than 30%.

    I'm 5'7", started at around 155 and I am aiming for 135. I am at 141 right now. I lost the first 10 pounds in about 6 weeks, then slowed to 1 pound every 3 weeks or so, which is fine by me, because I am basically eating at a level I could maintain forever.
  • jade14b
    jade14b Posts: 22
    Mesomorph lady here! At least i think so because 1. People are always surprised that I weigh so much (132 lbs) and 2. My body holds on to muscle easier than it does fat (When I loose weight, I get more "cut" as opposed to skinny if that makes sense). The thing you have to realize is that the number on the scale is not real measure of your image. Just get used to the idea that you might always weigh more than you would like due to the denssity of your frame and muscle. When trying to loose weight (and by that I mean fat), eating matters most for me. I do martial arts at least 3 times a week so I exercise quite a bit. Even so, If I don't keep a balanced diet (monitoring macros) I won't loose the way I want to.

    I started by eating MFP's recommended 1200 and was sooo hungry. Switched to eating back exercise calories duirng Insanity and continued to loose while eating about 1600 per day. I am started doing New Rules last week and I currently eat 1500 on regular days and up to 1800 on lifting days. I Not sure if it is working so I might go down to 1600-1700 in a week or so
  • Nireedk
    Nireedk Posts: 36 Member
    Any petite mesomorphs out there?
  • I am Mesomorph female with big all over in my body my shoulder lil bit wider than my hips
    with 166 CM and 80 KG
    Its so killing me since I am young adult (22 years old)
    I want to get my Life Back.
    Please help me to make A daily meal plan and workout routine :flowerforyou:
  • I'm a petite mesomorph at 158 lbs at 5'3". I was in a car wreck and I am unable to workout like I used to. Before the wreck I worked out 5 days a week, 45 mins of intense cardio and 3 hrs of weight lifting. I toned up quickly but lost weight very very slowly. I think it is great to eat several small meals, and yes it will make you more hungry but it is to keep your metabolism boosted, not to gain fat. At my very best, I ate 5-6 times a day with lean muscle weighing at 140 lb. I have realized it is very hard for me to notice a difference on the scale but I can definitely see it on my body.
  • lef444
    lef444 Posts: 1
    I consider myself a meso/ecto in that I have small bone structure but gain muscle easily (especially in my thighs). At 5'5 I maintain 126 easily on 1800-2500 calories a day plus a lot of exercise (currently doing insanity but usually focus on running though I've found that strength workouts are very important to maintain muscle tone). As I believe I am at my "ideal weight" I focus on adding muscle and toning. I store fat on my upper thighs mostly, have a very narrow waist, even when not exercising consistently. My weight only increases when I exercise more due to muscle building. As a vegan, my macros are around 45-25-35 cpf.

    I should probably also add that I'm 21 so my caloric needs may differ.
  • Female Mesomorph here!!! I currently am 6 foot and weigh 172, every time I tell someone my weight they can't believe it and say but you are so fit! I never go by the weight on the scale but how my clothes fit and how I feel. I work FT but also am a certified personal trainer. I played Div I basketball and have worked out at least 5 times a week couple of hours each time for numerous years. My body screams if I haven't done any physical activity for a few days.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Yes. I am a mesomorph. I put on muscle easily. One week of weight training and I'm already getting a much more toned look. My calves have gotten comments from all the muscle, especially during marathon training. I used to be self conscious, now I embrace it. It does mean that I can't get down to some really low weight though I'm only 5'2. At 135 lbs, I have 20-22 percent body fat not even bothering to lift weights. I'm currently trying to lose another 20 to get back down there.
  • lupa1979
    lupa1979 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a mesomorph as well. I let myself go for a few years but am currently losing the weight and regaining my muscle. I used to weight 145 at 5'6" and was pretty skinny, but muscular..though not in a super bulky way. Some areas bulk up like crazy though- even when I don't work out- like my thighs, biceps, and upper trapezius muscle. This time I want to be even more strong so who knows what weight I will end up being when I reach my goal... I'm guessing 150 or mabye a little bit more. I don't wanna bulk up too much but I want to be stronger than before. I remember thinking at the time that 145 was so heavy even though my body looked great, and would at times even lie about my weight so people (on the internet, mostly) woudln't think I was fat. Lol. I've come to terms on it now and think weighing more is pretty rad. It just means we are stronger gals with thicker bones. Mesomorphs rule! :bigsmile: