SIT DOWN JOB... Healthy snack advice??

Advice needed: I have a job that I sit about 75% of the time and I notice that's when I snack the most. What are some healthier choices I can eat? I am a very picky eater but I am learning to push myself and be opened minded?

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  • gdphilippe
    gdphilippe Posts: 9 Member
    I just got into dried apricots. They are about 90 calories per serving and I like them bc you can drag out eating them bc they are so chewy. Plus they're a little tart and still sweet, which satisfies my sweet tooth.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    fruit, carrot sticks and hundred calorie popcorn or kettle corn :)
  • joditafoya
    joditafoya Posts: 3 Member
    I work for nutritionist and they say that almonds are a good for you snack and they are filling. It might be an option. Thanks
  • JustBill
    JustBill Posts: 93 Member
    Fruit. Bananas are favorite of mine, quick and easy with no mess. Yogurt. Jello puddings. Mixed nuts in moderation. And for walking in the door after work, if you like a snack before dinner like me... shrimp is great!
    WILDTRIP Posts: 2 Member
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I am a major grazer during the workweek. I work 40 hours and 95% of the time am sitting on my computer. I eat well, but I eat a lot!

    Clementines, no salt added cottage cheese, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, apple, Greek yogurt, Wasa crispbread, carrots and hummus are on my snack list for today. I also eat whole (no salt added) almonds, lightly salted rice cakes and no salt added pretzels. I used to eat mozzarella string cheese, but the sodium was too high (in my opinion).

    There are loads of other things, that you can grab, wash, weigh and throw in a bag.
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Carrots & Hummus
    Multigrain Crackers
    String Cheese
    Protein Shake
  • rozarotti
    rozarotti Posts: 139
    I like the Del Monte No Sugar added peaches and mandrain oranges. :)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've got a desk job too, 8 hrs a day at a compter all week. I have a "snack drawer" that I keep lots of goodies in. Here's what it looks like for some ideas:

    - Tea (great for a 0 calorie fix when you want to be eating or drinking something)
    - Kashi TLC bars (really yummy, 140 calories, good for fiber and protein)
    - Pita Puffs from Trader Joes (when I want something a little salty, you get like 30 puffs for 140 calories and I usually eat only a handful)
    - Oatmeal packets (awesome for breakfast, or even a snack if I'm really hungry)
    - Dried cranberries
    - 100 calorie packets of almonds

    Peanut butter and crackers is also a good snack, just don't overdo the peanut butter, it's 180 calories for 2 tblspoons.
  • saj9291113
    Ice chips!!!! You confuse your mind to thinking you are eating, and getting water at the same time. Trust me, it works.
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning!

    I sit nearly all day too. I'm also a very short walk to the refridgerator. Dangerous territory indeed!

    I try to make sure that I always have a drink - coffee, water (with Crystal Light) or diet soda - on my desk. That at least gives me something to put in my mouth that I won't regret later. As far as snacks, I have carrots, cucumbers, cherries, cheese sticks, oranges & Wheat Thins in my lunch sack for snacks. I will likely eat all of that before I leave this afternoon. But that will only be about 300 calories and will contribute towards my fruit/veggie totals as well.

    I hope that helps!
  • bka8
    bka8 Posts: 92
    Jockeying a desk is rough on the diet! I've found though that I'm doing it more out of bordem than hunger. Has anyone tried chewing gum? (Sugar free of course!) It seems to work for me, but maybe its a bad choice?
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    Baby carrots with garlic hummus is a fave of mine.

    A handful of almonds with one of those string cheeses.

    DelMonte (?) makes little 100 calorie fruit cups in a can. Of course, you can make your own, but when they're on sale I like to stock up on a few. It's an easy snack that's really good.

    Celery sticks prep'd the night before. Cut them in quarters, then top with NF or LF cream cheese; sprinkle a little no-salt seasoning on them.

    Healthy choice microwave popcorn.
  • Monroe121
    Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
    WOW! That was fast! Thank You all for being so supportive and responding so fast! I have unsalted cashews at work thus far! How is that?
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    I have a desk job too so today I packed a lot:

    carrots and hummus
    string cheese
    celery and peanut butter
    special K fruit crisps!

    Writing this list is making me very hungry! lol
  • purplespeckle
    Almonds, protein bars, 100 calorie packs, low calorie crackers, fruit.
  • nikhil_c8
    nikhil_c8 Posts: 100 Member
    Pistachios with Shells....The Shells slow your eating down...
  • HRgoldenlife
    HRgoldenlife Posts: 53 Member
    I love little snack plates that I make, and I get full off of barely anything.

    sunflower seeds (out of shell, raw, unsalted), mini rice cakes, baby carrots, apple slices, or pears, wheat thins (reduced fat), light string cheese (or other kind of cheese), and when I need a real kick, turkey pepperoni.

    I choose maybe 3 of these and put them on a plate. I get a lot of comments, like that looks so good :)
  • mhowe86
    mhowe86 Posts: 37
    Same here!

    I have found that the cheddar cheese flavored rice cakes trick me into thinking i'm eatting junk food (tastes like cheetos!) and the light Yoplait yogurts are only 100 cal and 0 fat. They come in desert flavors and they are very filling.
  • vcatmb44
    vcatmb44 Posts: 129 Member
    i sit allo day at a desk job as well i sip on tea all day to curb my hunger and get all diff flavord and drink it plain without sugar or milk, i also always have fruit , oatmeal and hummus with low cal carb pita or pretzel thins yum