PCOS support & friends

I am new here and ready to get healthy! I am looking for friends to help support me along my journey! Also, any women with PCOS, I'd love your perspective on weight loss and conquering PCOS. Thanks :)


  • Wow this is so strange I haven't been online in literally months and I really need to get my act together so I logged and saw your post! I was diagnosed with PCOS back in 2007 after 4 years of struggling with infertility. I had to have surgery but then was blessed with a son in 2009 and daughter in 2011. I thought losing weight would be easy after that but my hormones have other plans!! I felt so healthy when I was pregnant I actually looked the best I've ever looked and lost weight and then right after they were born I lost 20-30 lbs it just melted off with literally no effort and my doctor said it was hormones. Well that was short lived and about 9-12 months after both were born all the weight and other PCOS symptoms returned. I immediately tried Mirena thinking if I have hormones 24/7 that would help but it didn't so here I am still struggling with my weight loss journey. I wouldn't trade my kiddos for the world but wish there was some answers!!! What I have learned, at least for my own PCOS weight loss battle, is that I need to exercise every day and cut way down on carbs and milk as that's what worked for me in the past I just need to stick with it. So maybe we can help motivate each other??
  • mindycredeur
    mindycredeur Posts: 9 Member
    Wow, our stories are so similar. I also struggled with infertility until I was blessed with our daughter & I felt great when pregnant and a lot of my pcos symptoms were gone while pregnant. I only gained 25lbs while pregnant and it all came off immediately. Now I am just struggling to lose weight and get healthy. I want to live a long healthy life & possibly have more children in the future so I know that now is the time to get with it. Let's help each other out!!! Friend request sent!!!!
  • GothJuice
    GothJuice Posts: 66 Member
    Hi! I got diagnosed with PCOS when I was 20 years old and 11 stone, after years of arguing with doctors that my irregular periods weren't "just hormones", I was told that I am most likely going to suffer from infertility problems regardless.
    In the past two years put on a stone and a half and weighed in at 12 stone 7lb, I'm finally getting my butt into gear to do something about it! I'd love to have some people with PCOS on here, the additional support would be most welcome! :)
  • Kmags66
    Kmags66 Posts: 21

    I am 38 yrs old and have PCOS. Weight loss has always been a challenge but have lost close to 100lbs in the past few yrs. Add me if you would like.
  • mrs_moonkues
    mrs_moonkues Posts: 8 Member
    I am new here too and joined MFP for the support system. My doctor first suspected that I had PCOS when I was 13 (I'm 26 now) and has treated it with a wide range of hormones (mostly different birth controls) since then. Last March, I was told that I have hypothyroidism...whether that was the underlying problem all along or just antagonized by the PCOS is anyone's guess.
    My husband and I are now wanting to start a family and my fear is that I will never be able to have a baby without more medical intervention. I dropped 20 lbs in the last year in preparation for our wedding and now want to for the first time in almost my entire life, finally get out of the overweight/obese category and be "healthy". I am hoping to find some really good friends on here to help keep me motivated...and to help me through the frustration that comes with losing weight!
  • MaureenS04
    MaureenS04 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I also have PCOS, have been diagnosed for 14 years. Fed up with getting bigger and bigger and really want to get healthy so I can live a long healthy life with my 2 children. I recently came off mirena and have been bleeding for 11 wks now, nightmare. I am determined not to be put back on any more hormones. Are any of you on hormones or nothing and any tips please, thanks x
  • PCOS suffer since i was 16, 21 now! would also love some PCOS cysters and success stories, add me :)
  • mrs_moonkues
    mrs_moonkues Posts: 8 Member
    My doctor has never scanned my ovaries, but given my symptoms, has constantly thought I have PCOS since he first started seeing me at 14. I'm not super hairy, but I am significantly overweight (at one time, 110+) and my cycles either don't show up for months on end or show up and then want to go heavy for months on end. I have been on progesterone, medroxyprogesterone (provera), and several different types of birth control pills over the last 12 years. Without being on the birth control, I have no idea when my period will start and/or stop.
  • I was just told by my doctor the other day that I have PCOS, and I'm overweight, gave me quite a scare to be honest. I am a sugar craving addict, But I want to get healthy finally, and I do want a family in the future. Just reading all this gave me some hope.