Running question

I've been running for a few months now and have a specific issue I'm wondering if anyone has ever also had or maybe knows the cause/solution?

About 10-15 minutes into the run I start to get a pain in my back between my shoulder blades when I breathe in deeply. I don't think it's anything serious, but it's definitely affecting my workouts as a few times it's been bad enough that I've had to stop. I don't seem to be too out of breath when it happens, so I'm wondering is it a question of maybe my running form is off? Any suggestions?



  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    You may be scrunching up your shoulders too much. Need to let your shoulders hang as loose as possible (do some shrugs) while your forearms stay parallel to the ground.
  • ehlanadriscoll
    I had that, but I've found that if I stretch my upper back after workouts it helps. Remember you're not just working your legs when you run, so that could be it. If that doesn't help you might want to talk to a doctor.
  • PatriciaDC
    PatriciaDC Posts: 17 Member
    You may be scrunching up your shoulders too much. Need to let your shoulders hang as loose as possible (do some shrugs) while your forearms stay parallel to the ground.

  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    I think it could also be that you are too scrunched up and need to relax you shoulders or have very loose arms. Sometimes when I am running my hands feel a bit numb, so I tend to shake out my arms whilst running to stop that. You could try this... People around you might think it's weird but it might help to shake it out or to roll your shoulders.

    You could also try stretching out your back and arms before you run and after, like doing the downward facing dog yoga position, that's really good for back pain.

    Feeling the pain when you breathe deeply sounds strange though, maybe you could talk to a doctor just to see.
  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member
    Thanks everybody! I've been wondering the exact same and I think this just confirmed it. Not sure how to correct my form though. The way I run feels natural to me so not sure how to change it.

    And it's not necessarily the breathing that hurts pandabear_, it's more the fact that when I breathe in deeply when I'm running it moves/or tenses my back muscles. Not sure haha, maybe I'll have to get one session with a personal trainer to make sure I'm doing it right.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Thanks everybody! I've been wondering the exact same and I think this just confirmed it. Not sure how to correct my form though. .

    IT may be that you need to do some work on your core strength as well. What resistance training do you do?
  • RunnersLament
    RunnersLament Posts: 140 Member
    I've had runners in my past clinics that I've coached... people often stiffen up while running.

    In one case, the runner needed to learn to run relaxed so we made a game of it... I gave them two eggs and told them to run with them in her hands. If she was too tense, she'd crush the eggs. If she made it thru the run without breaking them, she could crack them on my head.

    Over time, she learned to relax while running without making scrambled eggs and I ended up needing a shower.

    Examining your form is a great start to fixing the problem. I'd also suggest you go for a proper gait analysis (not the kind advertised in a shoe store... but with an actual physio therapist who specializes in this) These sessions are often video taped and you end up with a list of things that you can do to fix your running gait. It can be a great eye opener and can help you to succeed (whether you measure success as speed, distance or just running pain free).

    Good Luck!