Having a rough time continuing my diet.

I hate the way I look physically, but I'm still having a rough time maintaining a steady diet and workout schedule. I lack the motivation to keep going but I still want to lose another 30 pounds. :[


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    So you don't hate it that much...
  • VampireMilk
    VampireMilk Posts: 10 Member
    Well to be honest lately I've been having problems with depression. Ive been seeing my psychologist weekly as I have been directed to do, but I truly do hate my body. I was on a stable schedule for a few months but now I never seem to have the motivation to get back on it
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Well to be honest lately I've been having problems with depression. Ive been seeing my psychologist weekly as I have been directed to do, but I truly do hate my body. I was on a stable schedule for a few months but now I never seem to have the motivation to get back on it

    It's probably something you should talk to them about then.
  • VampireMilk
    VampireMilk Posts: 10 Member
    I have. I guess I was just looking for tips to stop over eating.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Keep yourself busy, brush your teeth after a meal, make sure your calorie deficit isn't too large to start with, eat plenty of good fat and protein to keep you full.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Go to your profile page and re-read what you wrote about your motivations and why you want to get fit. First of all, I'd take off that junk about your ex - no need to rehash that, especially since you're having a tough time right now. Just focus on the positive things like wanting to be a cop and just generally being healthier. Then re-visit that every day to remind yourself why you're here.

    Also, I've heard exercising regularly can really help with depression. I'm not sure that's a proven thing and it probably depends on the degree/type of depression but it doesn't hurt to try, right?!

    Unfortunately no one can tell you exactly how you can beat the over-eating. For some, just logging their food helps to keep them in check. For some balance works but others need to eliminate all temptations from their house/life. We're all a bit different. It helps to be mindful of your actions and thoughts though so you can identify your personal triggers and work on getting around them.

    For instance, boredom and lonliness can be tricky for me. Say I'm home alone on a Sunday and I should be cleaning the house but I don't feel like it so I'm bored and lonely and I'm watching some cooking shows and everything looks so good I just want to eat whatever I can. WHOA! Slam on the brakes, shut the stupid TV off, get the housework done and then if I'm still hungry I can eat a decent lunch, not snack on crap. And if I'm still hungry/bored, go for a walk or something to get my mind off it.

    You CAN do this.
  • VampireMilk
    VampireMilk Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for the advice, in regards to the exercising to help my depression, its true the exercising does help a lot, and I think that's the reason I've been having such a hard time lately. Buy ice recently started to go back to school and between working full time and going to school there's days were I don't have time to work out if I want to get a decent amount of sleep.