Many people enjoy looking thinner when they lose weight....



  • mortalkowgirl
    mortalkowgirl Posts: 134 Member
    Let me add my own here. I too have enjoyed the bath towel experience.

    Shopping at the mall again.
    Buying two belly shirt for the first time since I was a child.
    The confidence that I get from knowing that the pants that I just bought like 3 months ago are now way to big.
    Feeling beautiful again.
    Being able to stand tall and walk proud for the first time in ages.
    Knowing that my man has noticed the changes to my body as well.
    Not wanting to be afraid or hide anymore.
    Buying cute clothes that I had only dreamed about in years past.
    I feel like this could go on forever so I will stop here. :P
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    I love shopping. It's so exciting to see that clothes are looking better and better on me.

    Been bad for my wallet lately, though!
  • mortalkowgirl
    mortalkowgirl Posts: 134 Member
    Actually wanting to shave my legs and show them off.

    FYI: You're my hero.
  • Tim_CNY
    Tim_CNY Posts: 25 Member
    Not worrying about if I'll fit into a restaurant booth or not is a big one for me. I would dread being invited to certain places where I knew I would be in silent pain sucking in my gut the whole time.

    Also, being able to walk around the mall without looking like I just jumped out of the shower because of the sweat beading on my head.
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    Not worrying about if I'll fit into a restaurant booth or not is a big one for me. I would dread being invited to certain places where I knew I would be in silent pain sucking in my gut the whole time.

    Also, being able to walk around the mall without looking like I just jumped out of the shower because of the sweat beading on my head.

    OMGOODNESS! THIS^^^^^ I totally relate to this! Having that look of panic when you go into a restraunt and see only booths or the tables are so close together that you just know you are gonna bump someone! I cant wait til its not an issue!!!
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    CONGRATS to everyone for their achievements!!

    Here's mine....Wearing a bikini at the pool/beach for the first time in 10 years and owning it, all after turning 40!! :smile: woohoo!! I have been wearing tankini's for years and every summer I wanted to be able to wear a two piece again. Well this is the year and it feels fantastic!! Hubby is enjoying it too!! :wink:
  • mortalkowgirl
    mortalkowgirl Posts: 134 Member
    CONGRATS to everyone for their achievements!!

    Here's mine....Wearing a bikini at the pool/beach for the first time in 10 years and owning it, all after turning 40!! :smile: woohoo!! I have been wearing tankini's for years and every summer I wanted to be able to wear a two piece again. Well this is the year and it feels fantastic!! Hubby is enjoying it too!! :wink:


    I too am so happy for everyone! This is an excellent thread.
  • kalinalauritzen3
    kalinalauritzen3 Posts: 5 Member
    I love all of these responses! It's so nice to have a little background on others experiences and achievements. You are all wonderful! Keep it up :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have to admit that what makes me most happy at this point is being able to wrap a towel around my body without a part of my booty or belly peeking out haha :)

    Great one! I share that, too. I used to specifically buy/use giant beach towels or "bath sheets" in my bathroom for that reason and would even take them on vacation with me. It is so nice to be able to wrap up modestly even in a regular sized towel. I still have a couple of the giant towels and use them to cover the whole floor of my bathroom when I color my
    What have you enjoyed most about your progress?

    I love sitting in booths now. I used to shy away from them because even though I could "fit" into them my belly would often feel lodged against the table and/or my chest seemed to be resting on the edge of the table, which is not attractive or comfortable - and often led to spilling food on my clothes. Now I find all booths super comfy, even the ones that look impossibly small to me when I arrive at the restaurant. It has taken me a long time (even after losing over 100 lb) to feel confident that nope, the booth won't be too small!
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    being able to ditch my walking stick
    im 32 and had small kids asking if im a granny because of it. hypermobility and all my extra weight were not a good combination

    i can also wear medium height heels again now
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Eating in public and knowing no one is looking at me and thinking I need to put the food down and jog away.

    weirdly, this has gotten MUCH worse for me recently -- even though I am at my lightest weight since middle school! :-/

    When I was heavier, I kind of had this IDGAF attitude and ate with relish. I'm still not ashamed to eat in front of others, but now that I am so much more focused on my food intake, I do have a little mental commentary happening that wasn't there before.

    For example, my husband and I like to go to a large mall nearby and walk laps (several miles total) and then enjoy a mini Blizzard at DQ when we're done. It is a high calorie, ridiculous indulgence but it fits my cals/macros once in awhile and I really like it. But every time, I wonder in the back of my mind if there's anyone who has seen me walking and then eating this, and if they are thinking, "WOW she must not realize that is high calorie...bad for her...not "clean"...etc".

    I've also had an extremely obese elderly lady smirk at me as I ate an Atkins bar, and say "Enjoy the candy bars now, hon, because your metabolism will change when you get older!" Nevermind I am 37 - and was over 300 lb a few years In a way, that was an NSV for me because I was sitting Indian style in an office chair in skinny jeans and probably looked like a smaller younger person to her...haha

    I just think it's weird that I never thought of stuff like that until recently!
  • ken_m
    ken_m Posts: 128
    my kimono fits again, i couldn't really relax properly w/out my kimono before

    i need it to chill
  • yungibear
    yungibear Posts: 138 Member
    No more thigh chafing and untimely death of my jeans! My thighs still touch, but they don't rub like before.
    Also, I can paint my toenails without straining!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I like how I can start to see the muscle that I work so hard to build.
  • yungibear
    yungibear Posts: 138 Member
    Eating in public and knowing no one is looking at me and thinking I need to put the food down and jog away.

    weirdly, this has gotten MUCH worse for me recently -- even though I am at my lightest weight since middle school! :-/

    When I was heavier, I kind of had this IDGAF attitude and ate with relish. I'm still not ashamed to eat in front of others, but now that I am so much more focused on my food intake, I do have a little mental commentary happening that wasn't there before.

    For example, my husband and I like to go to a large mall nearby and walk laps (several miles total) and then enjoy a mini Blizzard at DQ when we're done. It is a high calorie, ridiculous indulgence but it fits my cals/macros once in awhile and I really like it. But every time, I wonder in the back of my mind if there's anyone who has seen me walking and then eating this, and if they are thinking, "WOW she must not realize that is high calorie...bad for her...not "clean"...etc".

    I've also had an extremely obese elderly lady smirk at me as I ate an Atkins bar, and say "Enjoy the candy bars now, hon, because your metabolism will change when you get older!" Nevermind I am 37 - and was over 300 lb a few years In a way, that was an NSV for me because I was sitting Indian style in an office chair in skinny jeans and probably looked like a smaller younger person to her...haha

    I just think it's weird that I never thought of stuff like that until recently!
    Oh jeez, if there's anything I learned about people while on my weight loss journey is how everyone suddenly becomes an "expert" on what you should or should not do in regards to your health. Sorry you had to experience that! But at the same time, you already mentioned you know exactly what you're doing! C:
  • suejersey
    suejersey Posts: 36 Member
    crossing my legs. I love crossing my legs!
    Not having to do contortions when in the bathroom.
  • jaecobb86
    jaecobb86 Posts: 25 Member
    Being able to cross my legs. Also, being able to look in the mirror and see an actual shape/figure. I'll even throw in the fact that I can wear leggings and not look ratchet!