math problems-calories=exercise rate??

so. I have been following my diet plan for the past 3 weeks and I like the program so far. (I don't count on weekends lately so my streak is off…its a bad habit I'm gonna do it this weekend). I go to the gym for about 1500 cal a day and my goal how much I'm suppose to eat is around 1580. Have I been working out too much??? like I thought that if you worked out the amount that you were suppose to eat then you would lose weight but I think I'm wrong…??


  • akh1981
    akh1981 Posts: 67 Member
    so. I have been following my diet plan for the past 3 weeks and I like the program so far. (I don't count on weekends lately so my streak is off…its a bad habit I'm gonna do it this weekend). I go to the gym for about 1500 cal a day and my goal how much I'm suppose to eat is around 1580. Have I been working out too much??? like I thought that if you worked out the amount that you were suppose to eat then you would lose weight but I think I'm wrong…??

    If you're supposed to be eating 1580 calories per day, that is already including a deficit for weight loss. If you are working out and burning 1500 calories per day, you are only netting 80 calories daily which is WAY TOO LITTLE!!! OR, if that's what you're burning at the gym, you should be eating closer to 3000 calories.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    The 1580 already includes a deficit that will promote weight loss. Your exercise burn sounds off to the high side, MFP is famous for overestimating the burns and the machines aren't much better. That said, you should be eating back 50-75% of your exercise calories. It's recommended that you get a heart rate monitor to more accurately determine that burn.
  • hjr354
    hjr354 Posts: 4
    hmm. So how many calories should I aim for at the gym daily to lose weight?
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    How are you calculating that calorie burn at the gym? The machines and MFP burn guesstimates are notoriously high.

    A few other questions: What do you have set as your activity level (ex: sedentary, lightly active)? How much do you have to lose? What did you set as your weight loss goal (ex: 1lb/week, 2lb/week)?

    The reason I ask is because these can all influence how you progress.
  • tinkbaby101
    tinkbaby101 Posts: 180 Member
    hmm. So how many calories should I am for at the gym daily to lose weight?

    The gym isn't the key to weight loss... a caloric deficit is. The 1580 - your goal calories - includes a deficit that will allow for weight loss, without the addition of exercise. Exercise helps retain muscle during weight loss, which is an awesome thing, but isn't necessary to losing weight.

    Work out as much as feels good to you. But remember your 1580 calories are before exercise. When you add exercise, you add calories to your daily goal. Always aim for 1580, and add in about 50% of the MFP suggested calories from your workout. So if it says you burned 1500, you'd want to eat your 1580 + 750, for a daily total of 2330.
  • hjr354
    hjr354 Posts: 4
    …wow. Ive been thinking the program/everything all wrong. I did have a streak that i didn't go to the gym and ate around my calorie goal of 1580 and I felt a lot better and i lost like 2lbs…I know why now Thanks :)
  • tinkbaby101
    tinkbaby101 Posts: 180 Member
    …wow. Ive been thinking the program/everything all wrong. I did have a streak that i didn't go to the gym and ate around my calorie goal of 1580 and I felt a lot better and i lost like 2lbs…I know why now Thanks :)

    You can certainly continue to go to the gym and work out. Just eat back some of your exercise calories, and you'll feel a lot better. Netting 80 calories a day (your 1580 allowance minus 1500 burned by exercise), means you're only giving your body 80 calories to function on. That can make you very sick. Go to the gym to make sure you have a good body composition once all of the weight comes off... but remember to fuel your body properly so you don't become ill.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    so. I have been following my diet plan for the past 3 weeks and I like the program so far. (I don't count on weekends lately so my streak is off…its a bad habit I'm gonna do it this weekend). I go to the gym for about 1500 cal a day and my goal how much I'm suppose to eat is around 1580. Have I been working out too much??? like I thought that if you worked out the amount that you were suppose to eat then you would lose weight but I think I'm wrong…??

    What? No man, no.

    Your goal is the amount of calories you would need to eat with no exercise in order to lose the weight at the rate you put into MFP. If you exercise then that exercise is to help with your fitness and strength and you should eat more calories to make up for that additional activity to keep your deficit the same.

    Reading the suggested calories as how many calories you have to burn through exercise is completely backwards. You most definately do not need to burn 1500 calories in exercise and if you DID somehow manage to do that then that day you should be eating 3000 calories to make up for it.
  • hjr354
    hjr354 Posts: 4
    I am pretty active. idk if Planet Fitness equipment is accurate I think it is...I am at the gym 2+ hrs a day though. My problem in general is eating the right amount....with or without exercise.