Need some guidance with my food diary.

So about 4 weeks ago I moved. Since then, I've been having to eat more takeout than I had before while everyone still gets settled in. I just joined a gym and am ready to start strength training so I can get toned before I become skinny-fat, right now I'm just a little overweight still. Today I exercised a lot throughout the day. I can't help but feel fat though, like I've actually gained a couple pounds in the belly. Could anyone be so kind as to take a look through my food diary and give me some pointers? My main goal right now is to drop body fat percentage.


  • ebunte95
    ebunte95 Posts: 11
    Also I'm way under my calorie goal. Should I try to get something else down or just call it a day?
  • ATPstrong
    ATPstrong Posts: 10 Member
    Hello friend :)

    You are right about being WAY under your calorie goal. A couple hundred calories here or there can be overlooked, but being over 1,000 calories away will not do you any justice.
    Also, fast food places like Arby's - even though they have healthier options available - are usually LOADED with salt (as you can see the one item you had contained more than half of your entire day's worth of sodium). While a little bit of salt is ok, too much can result in that "puffy" or "bloated" feeling you said you are experiencing.

    If you are strict on wanting to lose some fat, keep your protein and fat intake high (from lean sources of protein and healthy fats like nuts/seeds) and be a little more picky about your carbohydrate sources. Focus on fruits, vegetables, and try not to have heavy grains (breads, pastas) at every meal.
  • ebunte95
    ebunte95 Posts: 11
    That was actually the first time I've eaten at a fast food restaurant in months. Now I remember why I gave it up. Thanks for the reply, I'm a lot less likely to freak out about this stuff when I'm not talking to myself about it.
  • ashleearoha
    ashleearoha Posts: 165 Member
    Go to and it will workout how many calories you should be getting a day to lose fat while calculating your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). Your foods don't look half bad. Maybe up your protein intake.