how am i gaining weight?! and doing everything right!

Hello guys!

Picture this. I used to be a size 0 and over the course of 5-6 years I went to a size 10 and 175 pounds. I realized I was prediabetic and now my goal is to be 115 pounds again like I used to be.

I started hardcore weight loss plan about 5 weeks ago. I work out 5-6 times a week for 60-90 minutes doing strength training like body pump with 15 pounds on my bar and cardio like kickboxing and dance. I also track on here and stay within my goal for 2 pound weight loss which is a little over 1500 calories a day. I count every single calorie so I am not cheating myself.

In the past four weeks I went from 170 to 175 pounds gaining about 5pounds. I am not sure how it is possible to gain a pound a week doing what I am doing.

I got my blood work done and my thyroid is normal. So no metabolic issues?

Any advice or motivation?? I AM GOING CRAZY and very sad.


  • sm3072
    sm3072 Posts: 11 Member
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    Did you life weights before starting this plan? If not your muscles are probably holding onto water in order to help them heal each day after your work outs. It should fall off as you become more accustomed to your work-out.
  • sm3072
    sm3072 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Thanks for the reply! We have such similar weight loss goals

    and I did - I actuallly used to exercise almost the same amount before this. In fact, I even taught a strength training class for six months about a year ago. After that I did mostly cardio kickboxing. So really all that changed was I upped my workouts from 4 times a week to 6 times a week and watched my calories. Not sure if that helps.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Would you be comfortable opening your diary for us to take a look?

    Are you using a food scale, measuring cups, or eyeballing your portion sizes? Most people can be off in their estimates by 20-40% when they eyeball portions. Measuring cups are better, but a food scale is always going to be the most accurate.

    Make sure that you've calculated your calorie goals appropriately. Remember that these are just estimates. You may need to play around a little to find what works best for you.

    If you're exercising and eating back your earned exercise calories, be sure you're using accurate estimates of your burn. MFP and gym machines have a tendency to overestimate certain activities, which can cause you to eat back more calories than you need to. Even a heart rate monitor isn't 100% accurate. If you're eating those extra earned calories it might be a good idea to eat only 50-75% of those.
  • sm3072
    sm3072 Posts: 11 Member

    I have shared the diary. A couple days I went on vaca so any missing days is for legit reasons. But I still stuck with healthy eating and similar food so shouldnt be that off.

    Also, I usually have pre-packaged food like for brown rice it comes in a one cup and the rest I use measuring cups. No food scale/

    I dont eat back what I lost, too nervous to do that because im not sure how accurate the calories lost things are.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I went back a month in your diary to the 8th of May. In the last 30 days you have 22 days completely unlogged and 3 days that look partially logged. Do you log your food elsewhere on those days?
  • sm3072
    sm3072 Posts: 11 Member
    yah actually i switched from live strong to my fitness pal only very recently. most of my stuff is on there but i deleted that account but its very similar because I dont really eat that differently.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Incomplete logging ... not weighing coupled with trusting labels for 100% accuracy ... high sodium ... and that's just the intake. The other part of the ledger is properly estimating burns from workouts which is probably an overestimate.

    Underestimating intake + overestimating burn = unexpected gain
  • sm3072
    sm3072 Posts: 11 Member
    actually my logging is complete its on livestrong i switched to my fitness pal only recently. last week i was logging in there.

    Also i dont think it really matters with exercise because i dont consider eating back my calories. i neever do that and i usually stay 100 cal under my allowed to account for any errors in calorie counting.
  • sm3072
    sm3072 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks though - do you guys thingk its just water retention. i know that eating high sodium and things like that can cause that along with more vigorous exercising. in your experience, how long do you think body takes to adjust that?

    thank you!!!
    staying hopeful =/
  • turpenoid
    turpenoid Posts: 73
    Thanks though - do you guys thingk its just water retention. i know that eating high sodium and things like that can cause that along with more vigorous exercising. in your experience, how long do you think body takes to adjust that?

    thank you!!!
    staying hopeful =/

    First, girl you are absolutely STUNNING. So now with that out of the way, yes, your body could definitely be retaining water!

    Here's a thread that I read earlier today...

    If you're doing all the right things, it's just a matter of patience. :)

    Good luck!!
  • sm3072
    sm3072 Posts: 11 Member
    Aw thanks!!! :) yeah read article super helpful makes sense im sore like every other day and bruised by the crazzy weights haha. hopefully its just water and next month itll be 1-2 pounds a week CROSSING FINGERS :)
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    You have a lot of "homemade" entries listed in your diary. Are these recipes you have made yourself or are you pulling them up in the food database? If you aren't using your own recipes then you have no idea how accurate these entries are.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I think you might be expecting results too soon. I remembered when I first started working out, (mostly cardio) I gained a few pounds. When muscles get sore, water surrounds them adding a little temporary weight until they get accustomed to the routine.

    The good news is that muscle only takes up 1/3 the space fat does, so if your pants are fitting a little looser you're making headway and the scale will soon follow.