need motivation

I have fallen off the healthy wagon....need some really strong motivation. I've done so well for months..dropping almost 50 ponds, but started eating fast food, not working out, and now putting weight back on....


  • affeymoreco
    affeymoreco Posts: 10 Member
    Options's ok to fall off the wagon.. everyone trying to get into shape must or will fall off the happened to me a couple of times. but this is the motivation, ask yourself if you went for swimming at the beach, and you are not a good swimmer, and decided to go a bit deep, then all of a sudden you cant hold your ground and you slowly begin to drown. would you stop and say that's it? or would you try as hard as possible to get back to the shore? so it's normal to lose your track but remember this always. plus download amazing before and after photos of other people and those of fit people so that anytime you feel like falling off, you look at them and they become a motivation. follow fitness motivation on twitter and instagram and daily watch YouTube motivation videos. remember motivation is like eating.. you need a daily dose of it. good luck and keep going.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Happens to everyone. You don't need motivation, you just need to get back into your routine. A little failure causes people to resort to thinking that they've "undone" all their hard work. It's still there, you just need to make sure that you continue to finish it.
    If I feel like quitting, I just always look at it from the perspective of "would I let my own kid quit" if they were so close to achieving something great?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • hatake_kakashi
    hatake_kakashi Posts: 14 Member
    Hey mkflores,

    it's ok, i think almost everyone gets of track on their weight loss once we reach our target, it's always easy to fall back to our non healthy habits but the good thing about this is that you catch it before you lose control. Right now, you have seized control and need to turn this around. We're all here to help each other. Feel free to add me.

    Let's do this!!!
  • mkflores7035
    I really do appreciate it. I can use motivation and support
  • emmaslaton
    emmaslaton Posts: 23 Member
    The fact you even made this post means you're already on the right track! You got this.
  • mkflores7035
    thank you so much...I'm having a hard time getting back on track....any advice?
  • emmaslaton
    emmaslaton Posts: 23 Member
    It's honestly the first three days that are the hardest getting back on track, and after that hump it should be a lot easier.
    My downfall is putting too much emphasis on working out, and it never works. Be very conscious of what you're putting in your body. Don't think of it as food, but as fuel.

    Remember why you started in the first place, and how much happier and healthier you're going to be in just a week! :)
  • mkflores7035
    your so right...thank you
  • emmaslaton
    emmaslaton Posts: 23 Member
    No problem! :)

    I think the biggest thing is baby steps, and I know that is so cliche, but if you stress over the grand finale weight, all you'll be doing is thinking how far you have to go. Just think of next week, or even the next day.


    Good luck! You can SO do it!

  • leti126
    leti126 Posts: 179 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! Looking for more MFP friends :]
  • I_Dream_of_Bikini
    Don't give up! Just jump back on the wagon and keep on going. I suggest trying this 30 day shred workout its been working for me. Im on day 5 and i've already lost 2 inch off of my waist and 1 inch off my arm! you can find the videos on youtube for free. Theres 3 levels you do each level for 10 days. Hopes this helped you. Feel free to add my as a friend. I've been on and off the wagon for years lol (this time im serious!) we could uplift each other together.
  • HulaGirly
    HulaGirly Posts: 9 Member
    We can all use motivation and encouragement from time to time. I know I do. Feel free to add me.