I'm NEW and would LOVE to meet People Ready for Change!

Hi Guys! My name is Gisela and I'm new to this wonderful site and I am so excited to meet people who are ready to turn their lives around for the better just like me! I am a student at University of Tennessee at Knoxville and I am so tired of being the fat girl in the group. I have lost already lost 80 lbs and I want to get that extra 20+ lbs OUT the way. I would love to get to know you guys and see where are you guys at in your weight loss journey!


  • rozarotti
    rozarotti Posts: 139
    Welcome and good luck!
  • sophia_uk
    sophia_uk Posts: 152 Member
    Welcome! I have added you! :)
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Welcome to the site. Good luck on your weightloss journey. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Dtermined89
    hey I've never written on the message boards but i think we can totally relate. I'm 21 and a college student in NJ. I was fat my whole life obese most of it. I'm 5'7 & 1/2 my high weight was 231 and my low weight was 169. I only got to 169 through bulimia which I am free of now and I've been using MFP to try and do things the right way. So I still have never been skinny. I weigh 185 now and I'd like to get down to 140-150. It's alot easier when you have support I find. Good luck on your goals and this site is pretty great so I know you'll get there!
  • NuclearGirl
    Wow Gisela - 80lbs already - that's so fantastic! I'm pretty new to this site/app too, but I love it! It's so easy to use, you know exactly what you are eating, and the folks around here are so encouraging. I also love the way that everybody is so honest about themselves - it's so refreshing. I would also like to say that although you think you are the fat girl in the group, I bet you are the prettiest! Good luck to you! :wink:
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    wow wtg on the 80 pounds thats awesome. feel free to add me as a friend. good luck to you
  • CrystalAdams23
    I feel the same way! Such positive people! I love this site!!!