looking support & friends

Im Ava, im from Jamaica. I started this app 2weeks ago but 1 month working out. I have lost 10lbs so far. Im having issue with my belly fat. I can now see my top abs pushing out but the mid and lower section is so stubborn. What can I do to see more results? Feel free to add me.

Starting weight was 181 im now 171


  • Lescoleen67
    Lescoleen67 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ava, I'm Lesley and I'm just starting out. I weigh 196.
  • avania27
    avania27 Posts: 17
    Hey Lesley,

    Whats your work out plan you doing?
  • please do add me :D I have 90 lbs to lose...as you can see i have issues with my dear belly too :) I am eager to lose weight soon :)
  • ForeverChanged2
    ForeverChanged2 Posts: 40 Member
    My goal is the lose a total of 78 lbs. Add me so we can give each other support on are journey.
  • avania27
    avania27 Posts: 17
    I added everyone, looking forward to helping each other
  • jtrack3d
    jtrack3d Posts: 91
    From what I read, you can't target where fat reduction occurs. The goal is just to reduce and wait it out til it happen there.
  • katfit52
    katfit52 Posts: 2 Member
    hi im kate and started 8 days ago. I used to be a fitnesss instructor. you need to do lower abs exercise. lie on the floor knees bent and pull your abs in as hard as you can then let go just a little so you can breathe. right nowhilst keeping the abs in lift all the way to sitting position breathing out and counting to 8 . do this 6 times (maybe start with 4 ). another one is too lie on your back with your legs straight in the air and your elbows on the ground. slowly lift your butt off the ground, if this is too hard keep feet on ground and lift butt till you are resting on your shoulders lift and lower 10 times breathe out as you come up, in as you release . hope this helps ,oh and try to do these every day . this is for the lady in jaimaca who said she was having trouble with lower abs and any one else of course
  • avania27
    avania27 Posts: 17
    Kate thank you so much, I will get on it.