Muscle Milk for Women

Hi, I am 23 and just starting weight training along with regular cardio. I am looking to tone my muscles, I am wondering if muscle milk is a good idea and what are the benefits you have seen from taking it. Thanks :)


  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    Muscle Milk is just a pre-made protein shake. If you are meeting your macro's from food intake supplementing is not necessary. If you need to add calories to your diet to eat at a surplus because you are trying to add weight via muscle then yes- muscle milk is an easy supplement. I believe the recommended protein consumption is around 1 gram per pound of body mass. Protein does help in muscle recovery, so if you are seriously tearing things up at the gym I would suggest you are meeting that minimum protein recommendation. But then again- if you like the way it tastes- it's certainly an easy grab and go option.
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    The only issue with Muscle Milk is some of the added preservatives and sodium, so a protein powder is overall better with higher quality whey protein. Whey protein is absorbed better in the body than just eating protein like chicken, so if you're working out adding a protein shake is a good option. For a great tasting, easily mixed protein Powder I like Syntrax Matrix or Nectar.

    Matrix has quick release + medium release + sustained release protein so it is good for before/after workout and as a meal replacement.

    Nectar is a quick release protein that is good for the before/after workout.

    Also, Whey Protein is better than Soy Isolate Protein when searching for protein sources.

    Also, don't worry about "bulking" up as a woman, you will not bulk up you will just get lean and shredded - unless you go on steroids or hormones! :laugh:

    Best of luck, keep it going!
  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    I do weight training, and I have found that all of that is over priced and mostly unnecessary. Unless you are bulking up for body building, your diet should be more than enough. It's better just to find a good clean protein powder for post workout. It really helps the muscles recover much faster.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    See your other thread for responses...

    You don't "tone" your muscles... and unless you are lacking protein in your diet protein shakes will not help.
  • What if you are a Faster like myself.? I have also been curious abt it but i dont want to try it until i have lost all the weight.
    I do Intermittent Fasting (as a life style change) or I do full water fasts for up to 5-6 days. During the fasting time I do 90 mins of Elliptical (jogging)
    Then i do you know the basics push ups yada yada...basically when i first started i was 100lbs over weight that was 2 months ago in 2 months I.F. helped me melt away over 60 lbs My problem is that im not an eater but i dont exercise, so this program was perfect for me.
    My concern is, when i am at my goal weight and i want to get toned built and i take something like muscle milk or whey protein will i gain any fat if i am only lifting free weights (&body weight) with little cardio.??
    Since i am a woman, i know i wont bulk up like a man.
  • srjames98
    srjames98 Posts: 2
    Stephanie Gonzales,
    Have you taken the rest of the weight off?
    You were going at it pretty hard core.