
Haven't been feeling quite right since working out and watching food intake. Wondering if my body is releasing toxins from my fat cells and making me feel weird. Anyone else feel that way when they got started?3377427.png Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • daa5849
    I have had this experience also. Drink TONS of water and it will help alleviate your symptoms. Hopefully after a couple days you will feel like a million bucks.

    If you still feel funny after a couple of days, see a doctor. And remember that it is always good to go over any new diet and exercise plan with your doctor before starting. Whenever I go to the doc, I think of it this way: I spend all that time in the waiting room, then sitting on that paper-covered table staring at the wall, I've earned all the face time I want with the doctor. Ask any question you might possibly have about anything related to your body. Make a list before you even go to the doctor's office. And you don't even have to have a question- just talk to him/her about your health and what's going on with your body, thoughts and feelings etc. You never know what jewel of information you might get out of them just by speaking up!
  • minervasp73
    Someone's preying on your gullibility. There's no such thing as mystery toxins in your fat cells to make you feel bad.

    "The point is there is no way to ‘detox’ with your diet or a supplement.

    Most of the cleansing and detox promoters can never even name one ‘toxin’ that they are talking about or how it works, where it supposedly accumulates in your body and how you got it in the first place.

    They stick to ambiguous claims like ‘toxin’ and ‘cleanse’ and allow you to fill in the gaps with your own fears and anxieties."

    - via
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    If you have just started exercising and eating healthy your body is doing alot of housework, so it is normal to feel a little cruddy for a couple of days.

    As suggested drink plenty of water and get some extra sleep if possible and if it doesn't pass in a few days maybe see your Dr.

    Best of luck on your healthiness journey.

  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    It is normal. I agree with everyone. Drink a lot of water. Your fat cells store toxins and release them with fat loss.
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    It is normal. I agree with everyone. Drink a lot of water. Your fat cells store toxins and release them with fat loss.

    It IS normal. Drinking water MAY well help. But the idea that fat cells store toxins is just NONSENSE.

    Even without any mystery toxins, changing diet and exercise habits requires adjustments. If you continue to feel crappy, do go see a doctor.
  • daa5849
    Someone's preying on your gullibility. There's no such thing as mystery toxins in your fat cells to make you feel bad.

    "The point is there is no way to ‘detox’ with your diet or a supplement.

    Most of the cleansing and detox promoters can never even name one ‘toxin’ that they are talking about or how it works, where it supposedly accumulates in your body and how you got it in the first place.

    They stick to ambiguous claims like ‘toxin’ and ‘cleanse’ and allow you to fill in the gaps with your own fears and anxieties."

    - via
    But the idea that fat cells store toxins is just NONSENSE.

    The US Fish and Wildlife Service disagrees with you. Check out:

    There are MANY, MANY chemicals (pesticides, plasticisers, industrial chemicals) that are soluble in lipids (fat). That means that in living organisms, they accumulate in fat tissue. This process is known as Bioaccumulation. You may be exposed to these chemicals from drinking out of a water bottle (think: BPA), Eating an apple (pesticides), having PVC plumbing (dioxin), or for you older folks, maybe riding your bike down the street behind the truck spraying DDT.

    These chemicals all will bioaccumulate, and as one creature eats another (Man eats the cow that eats the grass), the levels of the chemicals become concentrated in a process called Biomagnification. Because humans are generally at the top of the food chain (highest trophic level), they experience the highest levels of bioaccumulation and biomagnification.

    Because these numerous chemicals accumulate in fat cells, breastfeeding infants are at the greatest risk. First the chemicals accumulate in the fat deposits in the woman's breasts, and then it transfers to the breastmilk (which has a lot of fat).

    What you should take away from this is: toxins are real, and they are in your fat cells. Drink lots of water and eat organic food whenever possible to reduce your exposure.
  • peabody18
    Hi, I know that fat cells store toxins, but how do they leave the body when you lose weight? And are they in a path that makes you feel unwell? Liver, kidneys?
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    OK, ok, just to make it clear, I do obviously not dispute the existence of fat-soluble substances, some beneficial (some vitamins), some toxic. And yes, in cases of substantial contamination they can indeed be liberated from the fat (even without weigh loss!) and harm bodies. For example, even if this wasn't about *toxins* per se: when my grandmother, at the end of her live, very rapidly lost the 100-something pounds she'd be carrying around for decades, her skin was sore in spots on her arms. According to the nurse, this came from the general crud stored in the fat cells. Nothing *toxic* about it, but certainly an effect. I've also lived in areas where we fished in rivers and canals some of which had organochlorine pollution levels too high for us to eat the fish -- or rather, they were below the limits, but you could taste a chemical taste on the meat. L

    However, the idea that the average inhabitants of a highly developed Western country, from our food and drink and the air we breathe, ingest anywhere near as much of such contaminants that fish swimming in polluted waters is downright ridiculous.