Bloated face

Hi guys,
I have a bloated face and it really looks awful to the extent that I dun like to look at myself in the mirror at all.

Initially I thought this is due to overweight and assumed it will be gone when I lose weight.

I have lost 8kg now. However, I don't see any change in my bloated face. To tell the truth, i never see any change in my body too.

I have still 25kg more to lose. Do you think I need to lose 10 more kg to see the difference in my face? i'm afraid my bloated face will remain unchanged permanently. =(


  • cakeribs
    cakeribs Posts: 22
    For me, bloaty face happens because of dairy foods. I still eat cheese, butter and yogurt--but I know that's why my cheeks are chubbier than I'd like.
  • TheNewPriceIsLoading
    TheNewPriceIsLoading Posts: 2,135 Member
    To be honest, I had originally weighed 290lbs when I first started my weight loss journey, and now weigh 245.. I am seeing some reduction in my facial fluff as I will call it.. As you lose more weight, your face, neck, and other areas will slim down and you will notice much more how clean the cut of them is. Also, if you look at yourself daily, then it may take you a bit longer to notice, as the changes will be subtle.. You will probably first notice it after someone tells you that you look more slim.
  • wise_wind
    wise_wind Posts: 47 Member
    Thnks for your comments guys. =)