thoughts on diary


I have recently (last month) been trying to eat better and exercise more, with a general goal of getting fitter and losing a few pounds (aiming for about 7lbs or so).

The weight loss is a little slower than I had been hoping (so far only about 3 lbs) so wondered if anyone had any thoughts on my diary. Only things I don't track each day are water (I drink a lot), a glass of squash and a bit of semi-skimmed milk for tea - I wanted to aim for 1500 calories a day so have set it at 1400 to take account of these little extras. I also don't track strength training, although I am doing it in addition to the cardo (probably a couple of times a week). A few specific questions:

- i love carbs and appreciate my food is carb heavy. Provided there's a deficit that shouldn't make any difference right?
- you will see that I am much better during the week than I am at the weekends but have nonetheless tried to track everything on the weekend. Is it a problem that the calories are not necessarily spread evenly? We tend to entertain a lot and/or go out at weekends which makes it much more difficult to stay below 1,500.
- I also have to eat late as I am regularly not in from work until going on for 8pm and if I then go to the gym it can easily be going on for 9.30pm before I'm eating. I have breakfast and lunch at regular times. Again, provided there's a deficit that shouldnt' make any difference right?

Thanks in advance for comments - I have never eaten really unhealthly and am definitely feeling the benefits of being 'good' on my overall well-being (I definitely feel fitter and look more toned) but would love to know if people think I'm doing things terribly wrong!



  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    With weight loss, the type of food doesn't matter as much as meeting your macros. Generally you want a good mix of fresh whole foods but there's nothing wrong with having something sweet every day. Just make sure you get enough protein per day. .5g per lb of LBM is good enough along with a good weight training program and you're all set.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    To lose weight calorie deficit...for health exercise/fitness and macros.

    I did look at your diary...couple of things...

    Make sure you eat at least 1200 a day that is.

    You look like you weigh most of your food but not all the solids are logged in weight...that is important.

    Some of your entries are "off" such as the ice cream...1 that an entry you made? and the ones that start with "homemade" did you make them? if not don't use them...
  • viross5000
    thanks both! Will try and up protein a little and avoid the 'homemade' entries (i tend to use them as a default when I'm struggling but will be less lazy!). Things like the ice cream are recipes that I create myself on MyFitnessPal, so those are at least accurate!