Personal Training App?

Hi all,

I've started going to the gym and want to add weight training to my routine. Trouble is I'm not familiar with them so I don't know how to set up a routine and I can't afford a personal trainer.

Has anyone tried a personal training app? If so, which one? and how did it go?



  • cantfail
    cantfail Posts: 169 Member
    "Workout Trainer" by Skimble. There is a free version and a pro version.
  • Jormesher
    Jormesher Posts: 46 Member
  • I tried several of the apps and even paid the minimal usage fee for one a few years back only to find that my results were minimum. Not saying they can't work but I finally got a bit of sense and decided to cut my spending on some of the things that really weren't necessity as much as my being in good health is. Within 3 months I accomplished what i had been trying to accomplish over two years with no success. I was not trying to bulk up nor get big and muscular I just wanted to tone up become fit and healthy for my medium frame. Once again every one's budget is different but I only found the apps to be of minimal help. They aren't motivational although several connect you with others to "motivate you" from their shared experiences.....ummm yeah right! Plain and simple you get what you pay for. For about $70 a week I am nutritionally and physically in the best shape I have been in a long time....nearly 50 years old now and actually am more pleased with my physical health than when I was in my mid to late 30's. Weigh out what is most important and adjust budget accordingly is what i recommend to anyone concerned with their health.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I use "Strong" app on my phone, and like it.
    Set up my own routines, and then track my stuff....