Frustrated, completed 1st week with no loss!

PepsiGal Posts: 85 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new here! Love the food diary on this website, so easy to use and comprehensive! I am 42 yrs old and trying to lose 10 lbs I gained from mindless, stress eating. I've lost 42 lbs 10 years ago on and kept it off until now.

Last week, I stayed under 1500 calories and worked out 5 days and lost zilch, nada. Anyone else out there didn't lose lbs. their first week? Maybe I should quit drinking Coke cold turkey? I cut back to one serving from 3 servings last week.

CW: 145 lbs.
LW: 133 lbs.
HW: 186 lbs.
GW: 135 lbs.


  • danyelpink
    danyelpink Posts: 26 Member
    If you drank lots of water last week, you're very likely bloated & your body will adjust soon. Keep doing what you're doing & don't give up.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Drink tons of water, lots of cardio, eat 6 small meals a day.
  • jennlee80
    jennlee80 Posts: 142
    Hi! Congrats on sticking to your diet your first week :) On the days you worked out......did you eat the calories you burn during working out?
  • It takes time for body to understand. If your diet is good, and you are doing cardio, it will come off. Do not expect instant results.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    The first time I lost weight I GAINED 1.4 lbs the FIRST WEEK (I joined WW so you can imagine how bad I felt as everyone else had 5+ losses the first week).

    I kept at it though and lost 52lbs! Don't give up!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    It's ONE week. And yes, stop drinking your calories!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Any new exercise/diet program is going to take a little bit of time for your body to adapt to. Some people lose a bit of water weight their first week, but not everyone. Your muscles may be retaining water if you dramatically increased your activity level. Just keep sticking to your calorie goals and exercising - eventually you will see results. A few thoughts:

    -Are you watching your sodium? If I'm high in sodium, it can seriously sabotage my weight loss.
    -Are you drinking enough water? It's easier to lose weight (and you will be healthier) when you're well hydrated.
    -Are you eating *enough*? Depending on how strenuous your workouts were, <1500 calories may not have been enough. You should be making sure you eat back 50-75% of the exercise calories you burn. If you use a HRM or Bodybugg, 75% would be safe, but if you use MFP or gym machine estimates, 50% would be better since those estimates tend to be a bit high. Eating too little wouldn't likely impact you after a week, but after a longer period of time it can slow weight loss due to how it affects your metabolism.
  • Jesseann
    Jesseann Posts: 35 Member
    i Pepsigal...don't give up, hang in there. You are probably just retaining water and should see a difference when you weigh in next week. I would definitely suggest you give up Coke and perhaps replace it with Coke Zero or Diet Coke. I am a soda drinker, but when I realize that regular soda has up to 45 grams of sugar per serving, 14 years ago I started drinking diet everything. Most diet drinks have 4 grams of sugar per serving or less and some have 0 sugar. Be encouraged and hang in there...
  • You can do it! Hang in there! :)
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Cutting coke out entirely will help; drinking soda can cause you to retain water. Drink lots of water.

    It's not uncommon to not see immediate results—that's why most people fail on their diets! They expect that they should be able to lose weight as soon as the thought crosses their mind, but it doesn't work that way.

    Sometimes it takes your body time to get used to what's going on again.

    You might want to reconsider your calorie goal, but don't avoid eating your exercise calories.
  • dhutt2011
    dhutt2011 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi pesigal86,
    I am also new to this site, my weigh-in day isn't until Wednesday so I don't know what the scale will say. What I have read from other messages from the community is to make sure you get your 8 glasses of water a day especially important when working out. If your work out is pretty intense you can lose a quart of water during the workout. Also, maybe retaining water if any of your foods were higher in sodium. Have you tried Coke Zero? I know it isn't as good as Coke, but I think it is better than Diet Coke.

    Keep the faith. You may have had a lull the first week but I am sure the second week will be better for you.
  • damcool
    damcool Posts: 97 Member
    I actually GAINED 5 lbs my first week. My father in law is a physical education teacher and he warned me ahead of time that it might happen. When you change your eating habits and exercise habits drastically, (I don't know all of the technical terms,but) your body kind of freaks out. He told me not to even weigh myself for the first month, because he didn't want me to be disappointed. But, I had to learn the hard way and I looked after the first week. I ended up losing 10 lbs (on top of the 5 lbs I gained) by the end of the month. You don't have that much to lose, so it doesn't surprise me you didn't lose any this week. Just keep going! And, maybe wait until the end of the month to weigh in again? Good luck!
  • PepsiGal
    PepsiGal Posts: 85 Member
    Hi all,
    Thanks for your encouraging comments. I'm going to hang in there!
    No, I didn't eat any calories I burned off. I think my problem is that I've been eating too little and my body is confused!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Losing weight can be like an experiment -- different kinds of variables and environments. You have to figure out what works with your body and it will take more than a week to figure it out. Keep doing what you are doing, being mindful of listening to your body. If you are hungry, eat. If you are sore, take a day off from exercising. Drink lots of water and make sure you are getting enough calories. I usually end up eating most of the calories I burned from exercising because my body needs them. Remember that MFP already puts your alloted daily calories as a deficient, so eating those calories burned from exercising won't cause you to gain weight (unless you go waaay over them!)

    Keep on trucking! :o)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    If you drank lots of water last week, you're very likely bloated & your body will adjust soon. Keep doing what you're doing & don't give up.

    Water retention happens from not drinking enough water, so it could be that you did not drink enough last week.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I lost nothing the first week but by the end of the first month I'd dropped 13 lbs. Probably mostly water weight. Then it leveled off to a more realistic amount. Commit to at least a month and you'll see a difference if you just keep following your plan.
  • keewee
    keewee Posts: 7 Member
    Hang in there, don't give up, we are here to offer encouragement.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Don't focus on the number on the scale. Focus on how you feel and how your clothes fit.

    According to my scale, I gained 4 pounds since Saturday. :tongue: Since I've been working out like a fiend and staying well under my calories and my clothes fit loser, I know that's impossible. It's either water retention from tortilla chips, muscles retaining fluid from exercising heavy, or I really need a good poop. :embarassed:
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    it took me forever to see the scale move. I have lost 4 pounds in about 2 months. Hang in there, you are getting healthier, weight loss will come.
  • Jartexas
    Jartexas Posts: 59 Member
    Hang in there, everyone is diff, you will get to your goals, try pepsi max , it helps me stay away from colas.
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