23YO Female.. Friends Wanted :)

RozzeleS Posts: 65 Member
Soo I know am nearly at my goal 9lb away, Eeeek but slowly feel myself losing motivation, so just looking for a few new friends to keep me motivated, and vise versa, also I'm starting to do weight training 2 days a week from Monday (booked my first one with a personal trainer so am not clueless or hurt myself) anybody with any handy tips for weight training.. Is much appreciated :)


  • YollaDCgirl
    YollaDCgirl Posts: 35 Member
    hey you can add me, also I created a group if you wana join... 25 pounds in 3 months
  • stephanieharms1290
    stephanieharms1290 Posts: 48 Member
    WOW. 91lbs lost is beyond amazing! Congrats to you, you should be so proud of yourself. I am new to this blog, but I think it such a great way to gain support with people who are in the same boat as you.

    9lb's to your goal weight is nothing, and if you are beginning to weight train it should come off fairly quickly. You burn a tremendous amount of calories by weight training, instead of hours of cardio. When I began my fitness journey, I knew nothing. At the time I was in college, and certainly couldn't afford a personal trainer. Other ideas if you want to do some research on your own, are downloading apps, or simply doing some online research via Google. It is amazing what some YouTube videos can teach you!

    Some advice is start off with low weight, you don't want to hurt yourself. Also make sure you train a different body part each day, or every time you weight train. If you train back to back, switch upper body and lower body to avoid extra soreness or injury. Weight training can actually be really fun. You will begin to find which parts of the body you love to train.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)
  • RozzeleS
    RozzeleS Posts: 65 Member
    hey you can add me, also I created a group if you wana join... 25 pounds in 3 months

    Thanks added you.. I could have done with that group in January 25lb might be a bit much for me to lose now - never thort I'd get to say that lol :)
  • RozzeleS
    RozzeleS Posts: 65 Member
    Stephanie - Thank you I still can't believe it myself, and all the people I've met have been so supportive I don't think I'd have got this far without being back on here the 3/4 months other people's success spurs me on more than my own.. (competitive streak coming out hehe) :)

    I couldn't afford a PT if I had to pay I get 1 a month included in my gym membership as well as them setting you your plans out etc, once I've had my first one on monday I'll be doing some more research once I have a better Idea..

    Thanks for the advice, I really can't wait to get started now.. Whats a reasonable weight to start off with?
  • charlotte_luisa
    charlotte_luisa Posts: 11 Member
    Congrats at being so close to your target weight!! And wow, what a weight loss to date!

    Add me if you'd like, although I have a lot still to lose! :)