Tired and Weak?

I only did thirteen minutes on the elliptical today whereas I normally do 30 minutes. But I had to stop because I just could not continue. I feel weak, tired, and just beat. It makes no sense to me! I've been doing bodypump(a lifting class) for two days now, not in a row, and i did it yesterday... Am I just out of shape or do i need a rest day?
I also took an hour nap and drank two bottles of water afterwards...


  • knollmma
    knollmma Posts: 21 Member

    Hard to say without seeing your food diary - Are you eating enough calories? Have you been getting enough sleep? If you're regularly doing 30 minutes, I don't think you're just out of shape.

    If you're doing everything right and you're still tired and weak, it might just be your body signaling that you need to rest!
    I've also felt that way before from seasonal allergies, or right before I get sick.
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    Make sure you're eating enough, examine the quality of your sleep (7-8 hours every night!), and keep yourself hydrated.

    Listen to your body. If you're feeling like this, odds are you need a rest day. Did you just add something new to your routine?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    depends on what is in your diary..can't comment really.
  • nelsoji
    nelsoji Posts: 79 Member
    I know for me - there are just days I don't have it. Could be lack of sleep, didn't eat well, mind is elsewhere or whatever - but it happens to everyone I imagine. Doesn't mean anything. I have newborn twins (no prior kids) at home right now - everytime something happens we call the doctor. First thing they say is "how often does that happen? If this is the first time, its nothing, don't worry, if its the 10th time, what are the trends"

    So that is my response - if its the first time - you can try and dissect the reason or you can forget about this one and focus on the next 30 minute session. If it happens more often - figure out what you do before that that may cause it to happen again.
  • MrsRMena
    MrsRMena Posts: 3 Member
    Personally, I have gone through the same thing and I (personally) was hungry and tired. It might be your body could be low on fuel and the engine needs to take a break... This is not an abnormal thing and you should not be hard on yourself.