Am I exercising too much???

Hello everyone:

I have been serious about my weight-lose for about 7-8 months and it has paid off. I have lost 40 lbs and many many many inches :) . My diet is okay, I eat within with calories for the day and every now and then I eat the calories I get from exercising. On the weekends I let myself go a bit ( maybe a bit too much but not terrible) with my food. I still log it for the most part , lol! Mon and Wed I pretty much workout for 2 hrs or so, concentrating in weight lifting (different body parts on dif days) and Cardio (which I hate it.... lol) either the Ellytical or I will add a bit of fast walking/running on the treadmill. On Tues and Thurs I mostly do cardio since time before work only permits this. Then on Fri and Sat I put in more work...once again with Weight lifting and Cardio.

I just purchased some resistance bands and I sometimes do them a bit at night at home or at work while on my desk... then sometimes maybe 2x per week I might go walking/jogging during my lunch.

So..... my question is; Am I exercising too much? I would think that with everything I do my weight would be peeling off of me but it hasn't really been like that, it's been more gradual which i know is the better way, still I'd like to see more changes on the scale :(

Any suggestions??


  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Erika,

    Looking at your training you are very committed and congrats on all the weight loss.

    At this point, what I would say is that rest is just as important as training. You need to give your body a chance to restore itself. The amount of training you are doing, you need at least 2 rest days a week. also, instead of doing 2 hours of cardio/weight training, do some HIIT training. IF you have been doing the same exercise for a while then your body is in a plateau phase and you need to change things to get to the next level up.

    Good luck.
  • Tinker_Aria
    Hello !

    First of all : great job with your weight loss !! Amazing !!

    I would say : try to alternate Cardio days and Weigthlifting days.
    Your body needs rest, and doing cardio and weight the same day is counter productive.

    You need to take time to look back and see all that you've already achieve ! Now relax and the last pounds will drop off !
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    ur not exercising too much, but you are exercising too long. For weights, try something called "Cardio Acceleration" by Dr Jym Stoppani. Basically in between every set you do some sort of cardiac exercise. For me I do a solid 30 seconds of body squats/mtn climbers. I NEVER workout more than 60-70 minutes. Trust me, you will see a difference,
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    You don't need to exercise that long or that much, but you can. You may see faster results if you focus on your diet rather than your exercise. You can't out-exercise a bad diet.
  • erikasmith2013
    Thank you all so much for your input... I will be looking into what you all have said and modify from there! Excited to try something new...