Calorie Control or Eating Clean?



  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Just do whatever works for you and whatever makes you happy...trying to convince other with our own way is kinda waste of time. :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Calories to control weight
    macronutrients for body composition
    micronutrients for health

    And controlled portions of ice cream, chocolate and wine for the soul.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    My definition of eating clean is washing my produce before I eat it.
    Calorie counting, moderation, and fitting things into my macros works for me.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Calories to control weight
    macronutrients for body composition
    micronutrients for health

    And controlled portions of ice cream, chocolate and wine for the soul.

    Excuse you.
    One does not simply control portions of wine. Blasphemy!
  • CupcakeKaos
    so i was on this last year and i lost 40 pounds , but since winter this year i been really slacking off and i gained 10 pounds uh and it seems like its harder this time around to kick it, now that its summer i want to get out drink more water eat heather and this time around its going to be diff when last year i use to walk around work and never sat down for 4-5 hours a day , this year im not walking as much so its really going to take alot of will power to do this and im really trying hard to not do what i have been doing , my doc wants to see in Aug, and she told me next time she wants to see some weight go down im kinda freaking out , im going to try and do this again like i did all last year!!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Your diet seems a bit restrictive to me. You are really lacking on the carbs end of things. That probably makes you more prone to cravings.

    This is why both counting and macronutrient balance are important IMO. I eat what I want, as long as it fits my macros and meets my nutrient requirements.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I do IIFYM. I fill up most of my day with protein, fruits, veggies, yogurt etc and then the rest I spend on whatever treats fit within my goals.

    Honestly even if eating clean worked better strictly in terms of results, I wouldn't be able to stick to it and so it wouldn't be feasible. The best plan is the one you'll be able to follow long-term.
  • koogabah
    koogabah Posts: 16 Member
    it doesn't have to be one way or can do might help the other...

    This. Big time. Most of the time my dinner is considered "clean." Chicken and rice is the easiest. Then depending on bulk/cut, I fill up with what ever I feel like. Usually that's cookies and milk or some peanut butter and milk.

    Allowing yourself "dirty" items, I feel, will ultimately keep you from a total meltdown and failing.
  • bee3091m
    bee3091m Posts: 6
    what a yummy recipe - thank you!
  • bee3091m
    bee3091m Posts: 6
    5 pounds lost in a month is very reasonable unless you are obese and able to achieve a large calorie deficit while still eating plenty. How much do you have to lose?

    I don't see the point in withholding particular foods that you like which also fit in your calorie goal. Who gets to decide what is clean anyway? I eat lots of dirty stuff and I'm losing just fine.

    In total I'd have to lose around 30 pounds to reach my ideal weight, which is 115 pounds. I'd be happy to get to 125 pounds though. (I'm 5.2)

    Thanks for your input :) It makes me feel better to feel like I can still eat what I want and like I'm not on a diet!
  • bee3091m
    bee3091m Posts: 6
    Your diet seems a bit restrictive to me. You are really lacking on the carbs end of things. That probably makes you more prone to cravings.

    This is why both counting and macronutrient balance are important IMO. I eat what I want, as long as it fits my macros and meets my nutrient requirements.

    I have a personal trainer who told me to cut out carbs and focus on getting proteins in
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i like to keep it simple. calorie control. because when i want a snickers... I WANT SNICKERS!!! its like the game tetris... fit it in, make the numbers work! i lost 100 pounds in 11 months eating any foods i wanted, just limited my calories!
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    Doing both together has worked nicely for me.
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    Oh noez, this topic again.

    There is only one way to lose weight: Consume less calories than you burn. If you are at a calorie deficit, you lose weight. If you are at a surplus, you gain. It doesn't matter if you eat chicken or cheesecake, a calorie is a calorie.

    Now, for your overall health, yes, eat clean. And eating dense foods will help you feel full. But if you eat clean and take in too many calories, you will gain weight.

    The end.
  • bee3091m
    bee3091m Posts: 6
    Here's an interesting post from a guy who says "clean eating made him fat, but switching to ice cream and fast food got him lean.

    Good perspective on the whole "good vs bad" "clean vs whatever" issue.

    Personally, I eat all kinds of foods, pizza, chocolate, burgers, beer, ice cream - if it fits in my daily calories (and occasionally when it doesn't!), I eat it!

    and judging by your badge you're doing really well, so well done :)

    Thank you for sharing that article!! It was a really interesting read actually.. I don't think i should get so hung up on my daily treats.
  • bee3091m
    bee3091m Posts: 6
    it doesn't have to be one way or can do might help the other...

    This. Big time. Most of the time my dinner is considered "clean." Chicken and rice is the easiest. Then depending on bulk/cut, I fill up with what ever I feel like. Usually that's cookies and milk or some peanut butter and milk.

    Allowing yourself "dirty" items, I feel, will ultimately keep you from a total meltdown and failing.

    Thanks. That's true. When a 'cheat day' rolls around I find that I don't actually want to indulge (or over indulge really) and I eat just as healthily as the other days, with a treat included of course. I don't go over the top when I treat myself and I make sure I measure all the time. My treats raaaaarely go over 100 cal - 150 max

    After I've been at the gym usually I want a cold glass of chocolate milk - yummy!
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    In my opinion you'll do better if you do both. Can you eat doritos, twinkies, and krispy kreme doughnuts and lose weight? Yes. But seriously how many people are successful doing that outside of one guy who tried to show the world it could be done? Not many.

    Check out Kane Sumabat on google. He eats 1-2 dozen Krispy Kremes a week because he likes them. Does not seem to have impacted his workouts.
    Or as Jason Momoa told me, "Save your carbs for the Guinness".
    And then check out lots of folks doing IIFYM.

    Of course the big thing for all of them is they are aware of what they are eating, and do them in proportion to how many cals they burn, versus the average Joe who just eats, and over eats, and thinks a family sized bag of Dorittos and a 64oz soda is a snack for while he watches the football game., and counts cutting his grass for 30 minutes once a week as a good hard workout.
  • Debssssssssss
    Debssssssssss Posts: 84 Member
    I like to have fresh whole foods in my diet more so than others. It makes me feel better. I feel yuck constantly eating processed food. However, I love my vanilla latte's and my dark chocolate. So I have them. Because if I didn't, I wouldn't be happy. I'm still well within my calories, and that's what matters.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I don't eat "clean".
    I just aim for a balanced diet and try to meet my macros.

    Which means I eat plenty of veggies and whole foods, but I also eat pizza and ice cream. My suggestion: eat in a way that makes you feel satisfied, and eat in a way that you feel comfortable sticking to for the rest of your life.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Calories to control weight
    macronutrients for body composition
    micronutrients for health

    This. Embroidered on the pillowcase you plant your face on every night. This. On the bathroom mirror. This. This. This.