The Lost BillFold!

Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
Sunday morning I'm getting ready to head to Mom's for Sunday dinner and games. As per usual I wait until the last minute then rush in a shower, wash my hair, throw the clothes in dryer for a little freshening. Once I get my pants, shirt, and shoes on I start grabbing by stuff, garage door opener, cell phone, keys, and that all important billfold. So we get the keys, opener, phone but where's that billfold?

At first I figure it's a matter of time because it's never far away. Now I know a place for everything and everything it it's place. But I'm not built that way. In fact though I'm only 4 miles from work I rarely take the same way 2 days in a row. Not that I'm worried about being followed it's just I like the different scenery. Same for the billfold, It goes to wherever I put it. Which is bad I understand. So I look on the kitchen table, the dresser, in the kitchen cabinets, in the dresser, on the couch, loveseat, utility room cabinet, living room table, end tables, computer desk, computer room file cabinet, spare bedroom dresser. I don't know why I would put it there but somethings seem to end of there. Then the I check the bookshelves. No luck. Finally I call Mom and tell her I can't find my billfold. I think there's a bit of panic in my voice.

Now I was late for dinner. Giving up for the moment I went to Mom's. Which is only about 3 minutes away. All the while I'm thinking where is that darn thing. Did I drop at the gas station?! Is someone using my credit cards?!

I get to Mom's, she asks did you find it, I say yes, deep in thought, Uh no, sorry, No I didn't find it. As best I could I enjoy dinner and the games. All the while thinking do I need to cancel my credit cards and where is that thing!

I get back home with a plan and a new conviction. I check the car three times. Empty the dresser drawers on the bed and search through everything. Check the pants I wore yesterday, twice. Got down on my hand and knees and checked under the bed, under the couch, under the love seat, under the computer desk, behind the file cabinet, behind the book shelves, and behind the washer and dryer. Then under the couch cushions, in the crevasses of the couch and loveseat. No luck.

Now I get on the computer and check to see if anyone is using my credit cards. Good news there, no current debits or credits. I also call the gas station, that's a no go too.

Then I think I need to let my mind settle and play back the events that lead to losing the billfold. So I take a nap. It's 6:30 pm. I figure an hour and my mind should be clear. Maybe I'll have a vision.

After about an hour I formulate a new plan and I have a vision. I see the billfold falling out of my pocket between the seats. Okay a fourth check is called for. This time with a flash light. The billfold is black.

When I get up I grab my tennis shoes and socks. Sit on the couch and bend over to tie my shoes. What the HECK! Right in front of me, on a black box with upholstery cleaner is my billfold! I must have walked past it a hundred times. Can't help but wonder how many miles I put in and how many calories I burned looking for that thing. Come here little buddy, xoxoxox! I had spent four hours looking for that thing.

Well so much for visions. LOL


  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    hehe... I think we've all been there a time or two. What a relief when you finally find what you're looking for... and of course vow to be more careful in the future. When my kids were growing up they knew just how to push my buttons to make me look for things they had misplaced... noisily rummaging thru a drawer, or making a mess in their path while looking. And then there were those things I would put in a special place so they wouldn't get damaged or lost, only to forget where that special place was. Glad you found your wallet!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    LOL! and Phew!!

    The last time I went on a wild goose chase like that it was for my laundromat card (they use a type of pre-pay card instead of coins). I'd left to go get coffee and "knew" I'd left the card on the machine but it was gone when I came back. I asked the manager if someone had passed one in and she even went through the security tape for me to see if someone nabbed it but nothing. There was probably $15-$20 on it so not a huge loss but still...

    I headed home to grab more cash so I could get a new card and put some money on it and it hit me - maybe it was in the car? Checked under the seat and lo and behold, there it was the whole damn time. Must've fallen out of my pocket and slipped between the seat and console when I took cash out to buy the coffee. Felt like a complete idiot but at least I didn't lose it!
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,820 Member
    Yay for finding it!!
