Need the motivation

New to MFP I've got 75 lbs to lose. I have try every diet but just cant keep the motivation to lose anything. I'm hoping that this site will help me.


  • Fit_Chef_NE
    Fit_Chef_NE Posts: 110 Member
    Making small goals has been the most helpful for me. And I am not pushing myself to lose 5 pounds per week. I am very happy with half a pound. So I set small goals each week. I almost always meet them and it motivates me to keep going. This week my goal is just to get under 164 lbs. It's only .3 pounds away but it will feel like winning the world series if I accomplish it.

    If I don't, no sweat, it's only .3lbs and I can work on it next week.
  • siminske
    siminske Posts: 35 Member
    It will, stay positive, and we can all do this,
  • eyley
    eyley Posts: 95 Member
    Hey yeah I agree.

    I'm looking to lose 70+ lbs and the way i'm going to do it is by breaking it in half:

    =Challenge 1 - lose 10lbs
    = Challenge 2 - lose another 10 lbs etc. until....

    GOAL 1 - lose 35 lbs (see my slider!)

    then repeat it all again to reach goal 2!

    You'll get there :)
  • mustangsally645
    mustangsally645 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in the same boat. I've lost my motivation! I was VERY successful with Weight Watchers 6 years ago. I havent gained all my weight back but almost! I have been off and on WW for the last 4 years. I decided i needed to do something different than counting point. I decided to do my fitness pal just to try a different way of tracking. I just started today. Good luck to you on your journey!!
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    I'm a really great self-motivator now but before I used to look at pictures of fit girls and healthy food to get me to feel more motivated. Now it comes naturally and easy.

    My first goal was to get down to 154lbs (which is the highest healthy weight for my height according to BMI).
    I'm almost there, at 158lbs currently.

    When I lost 15lbs, my reward for myself was to get a tatttoo on my ribcage. Give yourself little rewards (NOT FOOD :tongue: )

    I also have a calendar on the back of my door and every night before before bed, I give myself a sticker on a clean day. Best of luck!
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    While I have a lot to lose (see below, and I want to lose even more than that before my wedding next year) in my mind I look for small victories. I weigh myself every day for example, which is generally a big no-no here. But I like to see those little 0.X numbers tick downward. Some days upward, but most downward. And I stare at the scale every day, just waiting to see that middle digit change. If I can only get to 240, if I can only get to 230, I'm sure I'll die when I see 220....and so on it goes.
  • mfd155
    mfd155 Posts: 2 Member
    Sounds like me. I've been doing this for 109 days, lost 38 pounds. My tip is Count Everything. Also, get a scale and weigh your food. I really had no idea portion size. If I can do this you can too .:smile:
  • 7ricarico
    7ricarico Posts: 15 Member
    I've lost my motivation COUNTLESS times and have had an up and down roller coaster ride for years. This time I'm taking small steps to make a lifestyle change... not a diet. The first 20 days I focused on getting in the habit of logging all of my food. This helped me to get a better idea of how much I was really eating before, and also makes me think twice when I want to binge on a bag of chips. Now, I'm working on getting an adequate amount of exercise and eating within my calorie goal. After I feel comfortable with that, I'll focus more on the intensity of my workouts. I have 60+lbs to lose, but I'm just focusing on the first 10 for now and getting to know my body better. Small accomplishments over time, and you'll reach your goal.
  • fat2fit34
    fat2fit34 Posts: 6
    you need a coach I have stephanie Herron she is awesome she is also on fb. she has kept me motivated and everyone in the group helps keep you motivated too.
  • ShellF415
    ShellF415 Posts: 182 Member
    Friend request submitted and good luck on your journey. I hope we all succeed! :)
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    I have found that I am most successful when I log all my food daily and I'm honest with myself, even when I go over my calories. Then the next day I log everything again. Keeping at it every day is the key to making it work! So no giving up!
  • Joanne_happygramma
    Joanne_happygramma Posts: 207 Member
    Last September when I started I had 70 to 80 pounds to lose. I followed most of the great advice you have already been given by previous commenters (slow and steady, log EVERYTHING). I am now at 34 pounds gone, rather stalled after a lovely vacation and no kitchen for almost a month. In all that time I refuse to stop logging and giving up on myself. We are each our own success story and I love seeing others. Just take it one day at at time, don't give up on yourself, you are worth it and the extra time needed each day to log, exercise etc is necessary, but as someone said to me, would you stop brushing your teeth because it's too much work???

    As I said (and others) log EVERYTHING - best quote I saw on MFP " What we eat in Private, we Wear in Public!!"
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    No amount of motivation in the world will help you, until the day your desire to be healthy/in shape is greater than your desire to be comfortable. Once you reach that day, I have a tip for you - focus on cultivating determination instead of motivation. Motivation comes and goes, but your determination to reach your goal and be your better self will allow you to push through no matter what.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I started to take walks and eat a little better during the week and the scale started to move. So I increased the exercise and stopped eating burgers and fries, also gave up sweet tea. I got a fit bit force and Aria wifi scale for Christmas which upped my activity and lead me to MFP. Thats when everything clicked and I saw consistent movement and things that held me back like weekend beers & wings. Now I run for the enjoyment of it. This place works if you do the following

    Log all good or bad because you need the data and be honest, we don't really care if you cheat but you will.
    Try to eat better or healthier foods. I know a calorie is a calorie but I think your body needs quality.
    Exercise more, it helps get you body to burn more and you will feel great when it is a habit. Eat most calories back too.
    Don't freak about minor gains or a bad meal. Go for the slow and steady progress but the graph will go up and down.
    This will take a long time to do, get started now.
    It is not a fad or a diet, it is a lifestyle change and its permanent.