Aerobics Difference

What would you consider the difference is between Aerobics low impact and aerobics general?
The difference is 100 cals on here in the databse buit I wanted to know the actual physical difference!



  • Knlash29
    Well I would take it as follows. That Low Impact Aerobics would be like a slow pace walk, or anything slow pace. i place maybe someone who had 200 pounds to lose might start out at to keep from having a heart attack. They would lose as much calories as someone skinny does at a High Impact Aerobics activity due to there weight. General Aerobics would probably mean the same thing as just general dancing. It could mean a variety of High, low or moderate impacts. It could also mean just moderate impact aerobics as well. Some where I read that the best way to tell if something is high low or moderate impact is based on whether or not you can sing, talk, or just breath thru the workout. If you can sing then it would be a low impact, if you can talk the moderate, but if you are just breathing and not wanting or able to talk it is high impact and your heart is really pumping. Hope that makes sense and helps answer your question. If not im sure someone else can. :)
  • lgochya
    lgochya Posts: 39
    I would agree it is your rate of exertion, the harder your breathing the more you're burning..
  • katieandlilly
    katieandlilly Posts: 31 Member
    I highly recommend the Polar F6 heart rate monitor so you can measure how many you burn. This morning, in step class, I burned 750 calories but the instructor only burned 650 so it's different from person to person.
    (I dont work for Polar, LOL)
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    tks so much, I have a hrm, I was just wondering how to classify the physical activity
    tks for all the responses, so now I just need to figure out if I can sing or talk during the excersise lol!:drinker: