Fitness Tracker Wristband - Jawbone or Fitbit

Looking to buy a fitness tracker wristband and torn between the Jawbone Up or the Fitbit Flext - any recommendations?


  • cmbauer99
    cmbauer99 Posts: 184 Member
    I have used both. But now I am using the Polar Loop.

    It does what both the Fitbit and Up does HOWEVER it also connects to a Bluetooth HRM and displays your heart rate on your wrist during exercise.

    Give it a look!

    But of the two choices you gave us. I liked the FITBIT much better
  • s3girl
    s3girl Posts: 14 Member
    I've had the Jawbone Up (first generation) and it worked well. Very unobtrusive, stayed put, loved the vibrating alarms... and then it stopped charging after 6 months.

    Right now I'm wearing a Polar Loop and I like it. It seems a bit more accurate and I like that I can use it as a watch. Fitting the Loop was a little tedious, but I absolutely love it. Extremely comfortable and the best clasp out of any of the activity trackers. Pairing it with a HRM is also a huge plus.

    The cons? I miss the vibe alarms and if you wear any kind of wrist straps, you either have to move the Loop up your arm or not wear it (which also means no HRM if you're going farther than 30 feet from the Loop).

    But, between the Up and the Fitbit, I'd go with the Up only because it won't fall off your arm.
  • Cpollard6608
    Cpollard6608 Posts: 22 Member
    I cannot speak the accuracy and effectiveness of the Up, but I have owned a Fitbit Flex and Force and loved both! I hate that the Force was discontinued, but they were both accurate, dependable and wonderful gadgets!
  • scottb4soccer
    Thanks I will look into the Polar Loop
  • pluto2626
    pluto2626 Posts: 31 Member
    I have had the jawbone for about a year and a half and have been through seven (something always malfunctions). After doing a lot of research I came across a new band that is coming out that has a lot of pretty neat functions, the Amiigo. I like all the functions it offers, just hope that it holds up since it is brand new. Hope this helps!
  • ags1224
    ags1224 Posts: 2
    I've have a Fitbit one and I had the Force and I love them both. The Force was perfect for me too bad about the recall, I'm hoping that they come out with their replacement for the Force soon. I've been looking ever since I returned my Force, but haven't found one that does all that Fitbits do without other bells and whistles that I don't need. I've read a lot of reviews, the Jawbone is good if you don't want a display but some complain the cap is easily lost. Polar loop got good reviews but they say it's a little bulky for smaller wrist and that it's hard to read in bright light.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I have the Fitbit. I love it I just looked into the Polar Loop that looks great, I would get that one as an upgrade, but it does not automatically sync with MFP, which is a feature I love the most with the Fitbit.
  • scottb4soccer
    So far all the research I have done I am leaning towards the Fitbit Flex