feeling very down

I know I can do this, I have done it before but all the weight is back on!! I am devastated! Horrible on going anemia crept back, I got so back for taking my iron tablets and the tiredness and hunger set in massively again. Everything I had lost is back on me and more. I saw a picture taken of me today and I nearly died. How have I lost so much control? How am I so demotivated? What has happened to me. How on earth am I back in those huge pants again!! :(

Life is great otherwise at the moment. Im not sad in life. Im busy with 4 kids and work but I can manage. I need help to get back on track!!

I dont even know how to get my head back on track. Im working hard at tackling my blood levels again but it will take a while to really get my energy back up to where it should be. Excess exercise is just a massive no no until Im better. I really need to take control of food!


  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Take time for yourself every day. Even with 4 kids and a hectic schedule, you can still find a 10 minute window for you to sit down, close your eyes, and breathe. Have you considered meditating? It's a great stress reliever, which can then really help you with that lack of motivation. Focus on why you're doing this. You're doing this for yourself. Take that time and remind yourself constantly that you're worth the effort.

    As for exercise, just take it easy until you get back into the swing of things.
  • Aruba08
    Aruba08 Posts: 61 Member
    thank you so much for your reply. I have never tried meditating and I would love ot give it a go. I was so would up last night with everything that I dont think I dropped off to sleep until at least 2.30 am. :(

    However I have done really well with food today. A very good start
  • mfd155
    mfd155 Posts: 2 Member
    I tried everything before using this app. I could never do it. I "stress eat". But, it's working. Seeing the scale go down is a Big Motivator for me. I try to carve out some time to read a good book. Even if it's sitting in my car at lunchtime by myself for 1/2 hour. I know 4 kids probably doesn't give you much time, but maybe read in bed for 20 minutes? Or play a game on your phone. Just something to take some time for you. This is something I never did. I was married for 24 years (not so happily) and have 2 grown boys who still live with me. So my life still revolves around them as it always has and probably always will.

    You can do it!
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    Oh I know how you feel, I also struggle with anemia and last Wednesday I had to go to the hospital and get a blood transfusion, in which I felt massively better after. Make sure you are getting all your iron pills and eating lots of iron rich foods, and if you feel too weak and lightheaded, go get checked out because your levels may have dropped too low. It's so hard, I know things are so exhausting with anemia, but hang in there. As far as your food, just keep logging every day, whether you stay under your calories or not! Keep logging and you will get there! Don't give up!
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Try to take it, one day at a time. Today is what matters.

    Make sure you get you blood levels to where they should be. I have low thyroid levels and it looks as if I will not be able to have the usual medication because I do not get on with the standard fillers and binders so I am trying to do the job by eating even better, feels like a chemistry experiment. (I see another Doctor on Monday). It's hard to accept having to take a pill every day for the rest of you life but if it means you can really live. I have made great health gains by giving up foods containing salicylate, If I slip I have pain, breathing issues, fatigue,mood problems, which makes life arduous. Bight the bullet, get stuck in and you will do fine.
  • shellya30
    shellya30 Posts: 21
    I don't have knowledge on the health issues you are experiencing but I can relate to reaching a goal and letting it slip away with time. You will be able to get back on track! As long as you are ready mentally and are doing it for you, it will fall into place. Please try to not be discouraged.
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    Hang in there. I think short tem goals can help like losing 5lbs or being able to walk 2 miles or signing up to walk a 5K. I have 2 children and 1 on the way. Feel free to add me if you need motivation/support.
  • Aruba08
    Aruba08 Posts: 61 Member
    you are all so good! Thanks a mill! Another relatively good food day today and I feel better mentally for it. I really think Im very hard on myself. My husband is the best in the world so I can take me time whenever. I do find it hard though. We both work full time to I grasp all the time I can with the kids.

    However I just spent and hour tanning and dying my hair upstairs and feel so much better. The summer is coming and I am going to be slimmer.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Just reading Work & 4 Kids and *I* am exhausted! Now tack on you are suffering from a serious illness that zaps you of energy and carrying around extra weight, yeah.. I can see the issue.

    Baby steps dear. Follow the doctors advice on the best meal plan to get your iron levels up without packing on the pounds. Get your health better and then everything else will surely look fall into place.

    Hang in there! Those kids need a healthy Mama, doesn't matter what size you are, just healthy will work for now. I know you want to be slimmer, but work on whatever it takes to get your anemia under control. Cutting calories might not help right now, but that doesn't mean eat junk! That certainly isn't going to help iron levels either. If you can, work with a nutritionist who specializes in anemia patients or can provide you with an iron rich diet.
  • Aruba08
    Aruba08 Posts: 61 Member
    ah thank you so much

    Diet and aqufit are going great and zumba on thursday. Its all about the fun!!

    STILL hating those pics of myself on a night out this saturday :(
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    Hang in there It needs to be a slow process back. Blood levels are important I have had to have multiple iron transfusions but seem to be holding my own again last year I am eating right and taking multple vitamin and D. I worked with someone who kept my pace slow and steady and am so thankful I am now at the level I want and can do the activities I enjoy. Weight issues for me are different but still the same for me I didn't need to loose I had to maintain or I would as agreed not be working out. It is hard but keeping track and setting alarms on phone preplanning and making your own are the way to go. I also use a registered dietician which has helped a lot. Good Luck