Do you stick to calories for social events?

Basically, I am going to a family BBQ this weekend where there will be lots of food and alcohol flowing. I am planning to stick within my calorie limit by eating less that day and measuring the vodka....How does everyone cope in social situations?


  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Of course not...I enjoy myself! I don't do that every single day so once in a while is not going to be the end of it all.
  • DeeBerning
    DeeBerning Posts: 131 Member
    I allow my self one day every two weeks for a non-calorie awareness day. That being said, I find myself watching what I eat (heathier) but don't worry about quantity so much on those days.

    I do still log those days... just to keep it in mind and to track my "off" days.

    Have fun. Don't let is stress you. If you put too much stress on your healthier lifestyle, it makes it easier to eventually walk away.
  • CitizenXVIII
    CitizenXVIII Posts: 117 Member
    Every day, every situation. Not because I think that's necessary for everybody, some people get by fine without it, but it's much easier for me to be consistent 100% of the time. I've found in the past that if I make an exception for one thing, it makes it easier to make more exceptions, and then your exception meals exceed your counted ones. Again, that's me personally, it's more important to know how you will respond in each situation.
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    Nope I eat whatever is there, not always a huge amount but I enjoy the food and the drinks!
  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    I stick to my eating lifestyle during any social gathering. If I know ahead of time that am going to family bbq or birthday party that has food that I cannot enjoy. I make sure to eat something prior to going so I don't have to leave early or falling into guilt to eat something that I cut out my diet.
  • mfp_robin
    mfp_robin Posts: 8
    I try to balance it out with my snacks and meals for the rest of the week. That, to me, is more "real life" than trying to eat the exact same number of calories each day.

    So, for example, plan ahead by eating under by 200 calories on a boring old Monday so you can eat over by 200 calories at your BBQ. Or eat over at a more spontaneous event and then eat under the next day. I think that's something that people who naturally balance their weight do without thinking.

    (I, on the other hand, when left to my own devices, will continue to overeat after an indulgent day. Wish I knew why….)
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    No I dont tend to count calories for social gatherings. I will try not to eat too much beforehand to lessen the damage as it were but I'll happily munch away on what I like. So long as its only once in a while it wont hurt. Sometimes I think it does you good mentally to have a break from the obsession with calories and macro ratios.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I usually do but dont fret over it too much. I kinda see how the evening goes for me.

    I do intermittant fasting so I just make that day a feast/up day and get a good run in that morning. That way I have around 2600-2800 calories I can have at th event and STILL not be over my calories.

    Social events/holidays, etc work fantastic with the flexibility of fasting.
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    I had a social event show up unannounced last night. I enjoyed the heck out of myself, and tracked my food AFTER the fact. I went over. By a LOT! But it isn't the end of the world. It doesn't knock me off the wagon. It was one day, and we get up and move on the next day.

    If I know ahead of time about the event, and I plan my day around it (light eating before and after, mindful eating during), it tends to turn out better than I expected.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I allow my self one day every two weeks for a non-calorie awareness day. That being said, I find myself watching what I eat (heathier) but don't worry about quantity so much on those days.

    I do still log those days... just to keep it in mind and to track my "off" days.

    Have fun. Don't let is stress you. If you put too much stress on your healthier lifestyle, it makes it easier to eventually walk away.

    QFT- Wise words!
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    I am good 80% of the time.

    So, social situations... I just enjoy it.
  • 7ricarico
    7ricarico Posts: 15 Member
    Enjoy yourself---eat. But remember that there's really no need for that extra heaping plate of food, and pass on the desert (or opt for a smaller portion than you'd normally take). Exercise earlier in the day---give yourself room for the extra calories you'll be consuming.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I stick to my calories for the day even in those situations.

    I am not a fan AT ALL of the "eat before you go" approach. I would feel weirdly deprived and awkward doing that, personally. If it works for others then great!

    If there's really nothing healthy available, I can deal...I'll have a couple shots, the frosting from a huge cupcake and 2 deviled eggs, if I have to. I'd rather eat something I consider delicious (like those items named) than just not eat at all, or fill up on something I dislike such as a hot dog.
  • rubbie78
    rubbie78 Posts: 48 Member
    I stick to my calories too! But like you're thinking I do eat fewer calories before the event so I can save. Especially BBQ! Yummy, enjoy moderately :-)
  • vickiem74
    vickiem74 Posts: 49 Member
    I do not but I am still careful about my choices and I still log everything.
  • snpena2499
    Watch the vodka. Liquor lowers your will power. Drink plenty of something else, talk a lot and think how beautiful you look.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    No..I eat and drink whatever I want. :smile:
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    It's entirely possible to stick to your goals and still have a good time at social events. If you want more calories for that meal out, eat less the rest of the day and/or do some exercise. For instance, if you're on 2000 calories a day and eat 500 before the social event, that gives you 1500 calories to play with. Burn 500 calories with exercise earlier in the day and now you've got 2000 calories to lay with. And if you make reasonable choices (e.g., opt for a stronger drink/wine, rather than a syrupy cocktail), 1500-2000 calories can go quite a long way even when eating rich food and drinking alcohol. You shouldn't feel like you can't go out and have a good time, nor should you feel like you can only snack on a carrot while everyone else is enjoying a nice meal. Just plan ahead and make that meal out fit with your goals.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Hell no. I know I'd be miserable if I tried, so I just let myself indulge. Besides, get togethers like that are my favourite because everyone brings something different! I just balance it out over the next day or two.
  • nichinic
    nichinic Posts: 2
    Everything in moderation.